Dose of love – for complete well-being

As a pet parent, it’s important to be aware of your pet’s behavior and to recognize any changes that may indicate a health problem. By being observant and proactive, you can help keep your pet healthy and happy. Vet experts tell you how to read your pet’s behavior to know health status and well-being.

–by Dr Sanjiv Rajadhyaksha


  • Everything is all right, if he is eating right

One of the most important indicators of your pet’s health is their eating and drinking habits. A sudden change in appetite, such as not eating at all or eating significantly less than usual, may indicate a problem. Similarly, increased thirst or decreased water intake can be a sign of underlying health issues.

If you notice any changes in your pet’s eating or drinking habits, seek veterinary care at the earliest. Your veterinarian may recommend blood tests or other diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the change in behavior.

  • The ABC of activity levels

Changes in your pet’s activity level can indicate a health problem. If your pet is suddenly lethargic, uninterested in play sessions or exercise, or seems to be in pain, it’s important to have him examined by a veterinarian. These may be signs of conditions such as arthritis, infections, or other illnesses.

On the other hand, excessive activity or hyperactivity can also indicate a health problem. If your pet seems restless or unable to settle down, it may be a sign of anxiety or other behavioral issues.

  • The power of grooming

Changes in your pet’s grooming habits can be an indicator of health issues. If your pet is not grooming themselves as frequently as usual, or if they seem to be excessively grooming, it may be a sign of an underlying problem such as skin allergies or parasites.

  • Don’t ignore those digestive issues

Digestive issues such as vomiting, diarrhea, gas, or constipation can be a sign of an underlying health problem. If your pet experiences any of these symptoms, monitor them closely and seek veterinary care if necessary.

  • Heavy breathing and coughing –
    a bane

If your pet is coughing, wheezing, or seems to be having difficulty in breathing, it may be a sign of respiratory problems or other issues. Similarly, sneezing, nasal discharge, or other respiratory symptoms may indicate underlying health problems, so make sure to consult your vet and do not ignore this situation.

  • Beware of behavioral changes

Lookout for behavioral changes in your pet. If your pet suddenly becomes aggressive, anxious, or seems to be in pain, you should take him to the vet. These may be signs of underlying medical conditions or behavioral issues.

  • Taking care of his skin and coat

Changes in your pet’s skin or coat can also be an indicator of health issues. If your pet develops rashes, hot spots, or other skin conditions, it may be a sign of allergies or other medical conditions. Similarly, changes in the texture or appearance of your pet’s coat may indicate underlying health issues.

As a responsible pet parent, it’s important to be aware of your pet’s behavior and to recognize any changes that may indicate a health problem. If you notice any changes in your pet’s behavior, talk to your vet and seek their expertise. Your veterinarian can help determine the underlying cause of the changes and recommend appropriate treatment options. By working together with your veterinarian, you can help ensure that your pet stays healthy and happy for years to come.

(Dr Sanjiv Rajadhyaksha – Medical Director at Wiggles MyVet)