Healthy Bites


Here’s something to go with highly nutritional pet food…healthy advice from Drools.

Pets thrive on affection, attention and the right kind of emotional and medical care. We at Drools are well aware of every pet parent’s need to keep their pet healthy and secure. Here are some quick tips to make the task simpler.

Serve your pet a dose of good health

A healthy, balanced and nutritious diet is essential to maintain your pet’s health and longevity. Always insist on buying your pet a quality meal, as cheap alternatives, more often than not, contain fillers that may not be healthy and would also leave your pet hungry. Small pet food samples are available on trial before you decide to purchase a larger quantity. This not only allows you to gauge your pet’s reaction to the food, but also allows you to be more aware of your pet’s tastes and ensures your pet receives the right kind of nutrition. On making a choice, keep an eye on how your pet reacts during the first few weeks. Look out for rising energy levels or shine or thickness in the hair coat. This maybe a sign that diet change has suited your pet well. Also, all changes in your pet’s diet must be done gradually to avoid gastrointestinal upset. Always consult your veterinarian for nutritional advice.

We’re not the only ones who need exercise and grooming

Pet dogs need daily exercise to stay fit. Be it a stroll in the neighborhood or a walk in the park. This is a must, in the mornings and evenings. Some dog breeds require more exercise than others. A veterinarian could help provide a more specific routine in such cases. It is never advisable to leave a pet unattended, when outdoors, especially during extreme weather conditions, as this can have serious health consequences. Both dogs and cats need grooming, bathing and nail trimming. In fact, some dog breeds need regular hair grooming. It’s always advisable to seek out a professional groomer, before learning how to groom your pet at home.

Build a bond with your vet

It’s important to note that spending quality time with your pet isn’t the only way to strengthen the bond you share. It’s equally important for caretakers to find a veterinary doctor who understands this bond and works as a partner in keeping your pet healthy. Professional guidance will take care of inoculations, vaccinations, dental hygiene, examination, advice and treatments for various parasite infestations, besides other areas like training in general pet care, socializing, obedience and behavioral issues. Being a pet parent is a life enriching experience. Always ensure you make informed and responsible decisions for your pet to secure a happy and healthy life together.