Spun with love…


Whenever you brush your furry angel, you get a brush full of soft and beautiful fur and you don’t have the heart to throw it out. Your mind often thinks, “I wish I could spun it into something…” Well, the good news is yes, you can!

Take a look at the pictures of clothes on this page. You might think, “What’s big about it?” Now, if we say that these clothes are made from canine fur, would you believe it? I hope not, but it is true. These clothes have been lovingly woven at VIP Fibers Inc, US, using fur from our precious pets, who will remain yours FURever.
Too precious to throw away…
Like so many other pet owners, Victoria I Pettigrew, the brain behind VIP Fibers, couldn’t bear to throw away the tuffs of fluff removed from her Chows brush after grooming. As she puts it, “It was so soft, so light and the colour was unsurpassed by any other natural fiber I had ever seen. Watching me clean out the brush and gently storing away the massive amounts of fur, my husband asked me what I was doing. I explained that it was simply too precious to throw away and that some day I was going to learn to spin it into yarn. The next day my husband went out on his lunch hour and bought me my first wheel. Thirty minutes behind the wheel, I was hooked on spinning!”
Knitting keepsakes…
“After purchasing our first two alpacas, I started spinning for local alpaca ranchers and VIP Fibers Inc was born. But, it wasn’t until my 16-year-old Lhasa Apso, Karly, passed away in 2001 and I spun her fur and knitted it into a small neck scarf that I decided to focus on pet fiber. Having a part of Karly with me always was so comforting that it occurred to me others may benefit from such a service,” tells Victoria.
Weaving the love…
VIP Fibers’ sole objective is to provide a safe and humane treasured keepsake from your Very Important Pet. “Whether we create the keepsake yarn for you, or the entire project, either is ensured to be a life-long remembrance of a very special love, the one you share with your pet. The warmth of their love is transformed into precious memento. Each and every Fur-Ever skein and keepsake is unique and the clients are overwhelmed with it,” tells Victoria.
As Downers Grove, one of the clients, puts it, “Nikita was a larger than life dog and my children used him as a pillow, and he graciously welcomed them. After he died, my kids were sad. I just can’t wait to see their faces when each of them will receive a soft remembrance (pillows) of their beautiful friend of 13 years. As for the gorgeous throw, there simply are no words. I don’t have words to thank you for the great memories we will continue to have of our dog.”
Spreading love…
“We are in our seventh year of business and we double our client base every year from the prior one. Each year we see more and more ‘repeat customers. In 2006, we spun over 700 pet keepsakes and anticipate to double the figure this year,” tells Victoria proudly.
For more info, visit www.vipfibers.com
