Double your happiness!


Winter is the time to snuggle together – you and your tiny bundle of fur. Sit together in a cosy place, watch a flick and rub his belly for that extra attention you can splurge on him.
It’s also time to welcome new pups in the family. Whether you are adopting a pup or the mommy pooch is expecting a litter of pups – the excitement is infectious…There are hundreds of questions in your mind – how to take care of the little ones, how to take care of the mommy, etc. We know how important this time is for you and for those tailwaggers. In our ‘Puppy Special’ section, you would find useful information on welcoming the puppies in this world. Care has been taken to give comprehensive information on taking care of the mom and her newborns. It’s an exhilarating experience to see those tiny bundles open their eyes in this world–read up here, ask your vet, BE READY!
Winter becomes Merry with Christmas carols and festivities and the New Year fun. Whether you like a quiet New Year or a loud musical one – don’t forget to give your pooch another reason to smile – make his day special by taking him out to the place he loves, gift him a toy or a treat he will love or simply spend some time pampering him.
In the ‘Angels Together’ articles we focus on developing a bond between kids and pets. Kids learn a lot from our Prof PAWS the most important being COMPASSION. So, nurture this special bond and create many magic moments. “The dog was created especially for children. He is the god of frolic.” – Henry Ward Beecher ‘Proverb from Plymouth Pulpit’.
Sparkle and we all wish you a sparkling Christmas and a wonderful Happy New Year!
Happy reading and happy parenting!