Lets Live


It is very encouraging to get such tremendous support and response from you. Your enthusiasm is very infectious and it gives the team of ‘Dogs &Pups’ a shot in the arm with each publication.
Life is an ongoing learning process. However, all knowledge does not come from books and experience. God gave us nature and animals, who without words, teach us so many lessons, should we pause to look and learn. Have you noticed that our canine friends are playful, they take each day as it comes, each new experience is taken for face value and enjoyed for the moment.
No grudges or sulks are carried over to the next day.
There is always an acknowledgement and a happy response when a loved person is seen. A wiggle or a wag, whatever, the joy is expressed which never fails to warm the heart of the person whom it is for! They give unconditional love friendship and loyalty.
Doing things they love most, whether it be lazing under the shade of a tree, curling up in a cosy bed, lapping up water from a pond or then jumping in it. Whatever they do to spoil themselves, they do with whole hearted fervour and zest. Lesson for us stress ridden, grumpy two legged owners!?!?
To end on a happy note – have you seen doggies ever turn down a car ride with someone they love and when in the car they stick their heads out and enjoy the fresh breeze.
In short, the lesson we learn from our four-legged friends is to live life to the fullest with whatever there is – a little or a lot – that isn’t of consequence. The thing of importance is that each moment is lived to its fullest.
So dear readers lets take the cue and live! Truly a dogs life is worth living……Especially if he is as spoilt as Sparkle!!! Bow wow, streeeeeeetch, yawn, dribble, drool.
