kps way of choosing the pawfect name for your pooch


Bringing home a pooch keeps you on toes for the first few days. You do everything to make the lil’ one comfortable at home. Also, you want a pawfect name for your pooch…everyone in the family comes up with their brilliant idea but before you zero in on a name, here are a few tips to make it easier for you:

  • Pick an easy name – a one or two syllable name is easily recognisable by the pooch. At the same time, it is easy for you to call as well.
  • Do not choose a name which is similar to basic commands like No, Stay, Sit, Come, Down or Fetch. Similar sounding words will make them confused.
  • Similarly, do not choose a name rhyming with a family member’s name.
  • You can choose a name as per his breed characteristics – looks or personality.
  • Do not be too eager to name him right away. See his behaviour for a few days and then choose the one which suits him perfectly.
  • Name should not be age-specific. For example, ‘Puppy’ might look cute when he is young but would look totally inappropriate once he grows up.
  • Sometimes, people tend to pick the names as per popular characters on the TV, movie or a book. If you think it fits your pooch, why not?
  • Never give your dog an embarrassing name… it may sound fun in the beginning but can be awkward when you call him in public places.
  • If you have brought home a pre-homed or shelter dog, retain his old name as he might be comfortable with it.