Selecting a Safe & Secure pet boarding


At times, it is heart wrenching to see the plight of pet parents having to drop their furry friend off at a boarding facility. A pleasurable boarding experience is the result of the pet parent and the boarding staff working in the interest of the pet. Here’s how to have a safe & secure boarding for your pooch.
While going on a trip where pooches cannot travel, pet parents have to put their furry friends in the caring hands. Many boarding facilities
for pooches are now available to make their stay comfortable. Here are a few tips to make boarding a pleasurable experience for your pooch.

  • Pre-boarding essential: If your dog has never been boarded before, consider few hours of day care as well and at least one overnight boarding prior to the actual stay. This acclimatises the dog to the new environment and staff. It also gives an opportunity to the pet parent to give any feedback to the staff and vice versa.
  • Set right: Get your dog used to other dogs, people, new environments, travelling in a car/vehicle and most importantly eating independently.
  • Health chart check: Ensure that all his immunisations are current and that he is not suffering from any contagious disease.
  • Anti-tick treatment…a must: Get your dog on an anti-tick/flea treatment as a preventive. Tick collars and spot-on applicators are effective.
  • Deworm: Get your dog dewormed regularly.
  • Feel at home: Bring any familiar clothing/object that smells of home.
  • Keep him stress-free: If your dog gets anxious seeing you pack, drop the dog in the boarding facility before the suitcases come out! The less stressed the dog is, he will adjust faster.
  • A word of caution: Let the staff know in case your dog has any abnormal fears (water, birds, etc), allergies (wheat, milk, etc) or has any medical condition (such as epilepsy, hip dysplasia, etc).
  • Board during the day: Arrive as early as possible in the day, so the pet has enough outside time to make new friends before ‘lights out’.
  • Make boarding a vacation: Dogs sense and reflect our feelings; don’t allow a family member to stage an emotional farewell. Keep your good-byes short and happy. Most dogs view their boarding stay as a vacation.
  • Eating habits: While at boarding, eating habits of dogs may change – some eat a lot, while some may reduce their food intake. Some dogs do not eat for the first day in a new environment. Some dogs tend to gain weight while some tend to lose weight running around with other dogs, having a great time. So, do not panic.
  • Share the diet chart: It would be best if the dog is kept on the same diet as at home. So let the boarding facility know his diet chart.
  • Back home: Your dog will be very excited when you pick him up. Be calm with him.
  • Let the sleeping dogs lie: Most dogs sleep a lot for the first couple of days after they return home. Let them take adequate rest.

(Hema owns and manages PETSPACE – a day care, boarding and grooming centre in Bengaluru).