Healthy petting

It is a matter of enchantment to own healthy pets. With every pet, comes a responsibility. Sometimes pets may not get the care they ought to have because their pet parents are too busy.

Wellness issues involve good food and dietary supplements. Pets also need multi-vitamins and minerals supplements which help them in achieving a perfect balanced diet. These supplements correct deficiencies, improve diet, enhance pet’s immune system and give them a long healthy life.
Food supplements: for all ages
Puppies: Puppies need special care during weaning and entry into a new environment. They need increased levels of fats, proteins, calcium and phosphorus in their diet in order to sustain vital growth for a healthy immune system.
Young adults: Pets should have regular assessments by veterinarians who can guide on the right supplements in reference to their breed and age. Aged pets: Older pets also require nutritional supplements. Aged pets experience degenerative organ changes, these changes frequently have an effect on the muscles, bones, ligaments, hearing and vision. With age their dietary requirements alter during the geriatric years. It is thus imperative to nourish them.
Essential vitamins
Ingestion of Vitamin B1, B2, B6 and B12 is often suggested as a pet supplement to assist counter fatigue and better appetite. Vitamin C is also recommended for its antioxidant effects and its potential role in enhancing immune function. Vitamin E is compulsory for pets with inflammatory skin disorders. Intake of fatty acid chiefly omega fatty acids not only improves skin and hair coat health but has also proven advantageous for the cure and control of allergies, arthritis, yeast infections, eye disorders, heart diseases and cancer.
Choose with consultation
Vitamins and minerals come in varied forms: powder, syrups and chewable tablets. Pet parents should always consult their veterinarians.
Different health requirements
Pet parents should be acquainted with the fundamental thing that different pets have different health requirements. Perfect health can be accomplished only with a perfect diet. These days many people dote on their pets to an unhealthy extent. Love with responsibility and care.
(Mandeep Katari, CEO, all4pets.)