50 Awesome Pawsome Ways to Groom


Varsha Verma with Rocky
Celebrating our 100th Issue, let’s talk about 50 breed specific grooming tips to make your pet look and feel happy. –by Varsha Verma

A well-groomed dog is a happy dog and a delight to be around. Every breed of dog has different grooming needs. Here’s how to take care of different breed of dogs according to the kind of coat they have.
Grooming a puppy

1. Be gentle: Since a puppy is not used to grooming, be very gentle with him.

2. Start early: Make your puppy used to your touch and the grooming process so that he does not get anxious or irritated while grooming.

3. KISS (Keep it short and sweet): Keep the grooming session short and playful.

4. Brushing a puppy: Use puppy-specific medium-fine tooth comb to brush your puppy and make his coat soft and smooth.

5. Bathe only if required: Talk to your vet about how often you should bathe your puppy.

6. Use a puppy-specific shampoo: Puppies need a gentle shampoo. Choose one as per your vet’s recommendation enriched with natural ingredients.

7. Wrapped in love and soft towels: Since puppies can get anxious with a dryer, use a soft microfiber towel to wipe them dry.

8. Treats are always welcome: Reward him with treats after the session is over to make grooming all the more enjoyable.

Grooming long silky-coated breeds to keep luscious locks tangle free
(Breeds: Afghan Hound, Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu, Tibetan Terrier and Yorkshire Terrier)

9. Brushing the coat: Brush the coat of your pet frequently, maybe every day.

10. Right tools make all the difference: Brush your pet’s long silky coat with a slicker brush to remove any tangles or dirt. If your pet has a short silky coat, use a bristle brush to help remove moulted hair and spreading natural oils through their hair.

11. Say no to too much bathing: The frequency of bath depends on when needed.

12. Type of shampoo to be used: Use pet conditioning shampoo.
13. Spa time at home: It is recommended to dry his coat with a hair dryer to keep his hair smooth and tangle free.
Grooming double-coated breeds – twice the fun and effort
(Breeds: Labrador, Golden Retriever, Pug, German Shepherd, Shiba Inu and Old English Sheepdog)

14. Brushing away those tangles: Since a double-coated dog has a lot of hair, so it is important to brush them 2-3 times a week to keep their coats tangle-free.

15. Comb’ining the right tools: You can use a grooming rake for undercoat and a wide tooth comb for the outer coat. Once you are done brushing them, use a bristle brush to control shedding and to make your pet’s coat shiny and smooth.

16. Bathe regularly: Bathe your double-coated dog once in a month or two, depending on his activity level and what your vet recommends.

17. Wash way all the worries: Use a deep cleaning or shampoo-cum-conditioner for your double coated breeds.

18. Shampoo brush for the win: While shampooing, use a shampoo brush to remove any excess hair of your pet.

19. Dry thoroughly: First, dry your pooch with a towel and then finish with a dryer.

20. Clip those tresses: Long hair around the ears and between the paw pads can be clipped to avoid tangling.

Embracing those curls and grooming curly/wool coated breeds
(Breeds: Bedlington Terrier, Bichon Frise, Poodle, Labradoodle, Cockapoo and Maltese)

21. Brushing the coat: A dog with a curly or wool coat needs to be brushed regularly to remove tangles.

22. Shine with the right brush: Use a detangle comb and then brush with a soft slicker brush for a healthy shine.

23. Shower, shampoo, repeat: Use a shampoo formulated especially for Poodle.

24. Pat dry with love and care: Use a towel to absorb extra water and then use a dryer to dry completely.

25. A little care while drying goes a long way: It is recommended to use a slicker brush while drying to make the hair tangle-free and smooth.

Grooming a wire coated dog
(Breeds: Fox Terrier, Dachshund, Jack Russell and Scottish Terrier)

26. Trim it away: Talk to your groomer about trimming to remove your pet’s old and loose hairs and making room for new hair to grow.

27. Shave down not a good option: Shaving does not keep them cooler, it actually causes injury and sunburn in summer.

28. Make them blush, but with a brush: It is important to brush them regularly, at least twice a week to maintain their coat in good condition.

29. Type of brush to be used: Use a slicker brush in the direction of the growth of the hair to remove tangles.

30. Not your usual water baby: It is advised not to bathe them often as it can dry their coat further. Bathe them when their coat is dirty.

31. Massage well with the right shampoo: Use a deep clean or shine-on shampoo for dirt on coat.

32. Dry gently: Use a towel or a glove to dry their coat.

33. Allow him to soak up the sun and air dry: If the weather is not cold, you can let your pet air dry which will give natural finish to their hair. Else, use a dryer.

Grooming short coat breeds and make them sparkle and shine
(Breeds: Greyhound, Pointer, Rottweiler, Labrador Retriever, Chihuahua, Bulldog and Beagle)

34. Brush regularly and see the magic unveil: Brush your short-coated dog once a week to keep his hair healthy and shining.

35. Gush over the right brush: Use a bristle brush or a grooming mitt for grooming short coat breeds.

36. Don’t rush, use the right technique: Begin by brushing in the opposite direction of hair growth to help remove any loose hair from underneath the coat. Thereafter, brush in the direction of hair growth to remove any remaining hair and make the coat look smooth and shiny.

37. Save water and don’t bathe them much: If you brush them regularly, you don’t need to bathe them often. Bathe them only when their coat is dirty.

38. The right shampoo: Use a strengthening shampoo for their coat.

39. Towel drying is the best way: Since their hair is short, you can towel dry them.

40. Take care of Beagle ears: Clean your beagle’s ears weekly as they are long and get dirty easily. Use an ear cleaning solution formulated especially for dogs as they are long and get dirty easily.

Love, care, and grooming for all doggies!

41. All you need is unconditional love and the right conditioner: Depending on your pet’s coat, you can use a conditioner to moisturise his skin and make his coat soft and silky.

42. Manicure is a great cure: Get your pet’s nails trimmed by a groomer or a vet regularly.

43. Take care of those pearly whites: Regularly brush your pet’s teeth with dog toothpaste.

44. Look for problem areas: While grooming check your pet’s paw pads, ears and genital area too.

45. Awesome ‘paw’some: Regularly clean your pet’s paw pads. Moisturize them if required.

46. Clean the ears: Keep your pet’s ears clean and odour-free. If they smell or your see debris, visit your vet.

47. Take care of genital and anal area: Keep these areas clean and wash them thoroughly while bathing.

48. Talk to them while grooming: While you are working on your pet, talk to them and reassure them that everything is ok.

49. Make grooming a routine: Dogs love routine by nature. So, make grooming a part of their routine.

50. Grooming fun: Grooming is a time that you spend with your pet and strengthen your bond. Make the most of it by making it fun so that you both look for this quality time together.
