As we embark on our 17th Anniversary Issue and 103rd Issue, it is with love we celebrate both our canine and feline members. In every issue and article we have focussed they are a part of our family, homes and heart. The pandemic has deepened our relationships with our pets because of the time which we got to spend with them. The calls, zoom meetings, household chores done with them beside us, conspiring for our attention & time.

Do read our article Perfect Pets in which you can explore how intelligent, affectionate and conniving our furry darlings can be. All they want is love and affection, some would paw you, look with soulful eyes… or simply go for the laptop table! Many pet parents and pets have enjoyed this quality time, friendship during the uncertain pandemic times.

As we start stepping out with safety our pets might go through separation distress. In order to maintain their overall wellness it is important to watch out for signs which might range from defecation, urination, vocalising, chewing, lack of appetite, etc. It is important to note as a pet parent you need to take care of all—mental, physical and emotional needs of your pet. It’s very important to provide exercise according to their breed and age. Playtime is also an important activity to be done with fun, positive reinforcement and in short spells to keep your pet mentally engaged and happy.

Ensure you and your family members interact with your pet to keep the feeling of loneliness at bay. Set a routine and a structure, it gives them a sense of stability and reduces stress and anxiety. Always watch out for the body language—the little signs give you the insight into your pet’s stress levels—which causes the behaviour. A threshold is a stage in which a pet reacts, when the pet is comfortable it is a below threshold and when the pet is stressed it is the over threshold and would need help to calm down. Learn to notice the factors causing stress and speak to a professional trainer to help cope with the situation.

Be aware of your own departure cues. Locking the cupboards, wearing shoes or sneakers—these are the cues a pet understands and realises that separation time is near. Practise separation and if you step out for longer period invest in a webcam or any device which gives you a correct picture.

Love them more as they love you even more. As we celebrate our 17th Anniversary Issue, do read the articles: 17 Sensational Signs for a Miraculous Connection, 17 Essentials to Welcome Home Your New Furry Baby, Shower Love on Your Pet This Monsoon in 17 Sensational Ways, NOSE TO TAIL—17 Ways to Complete Wellness and Wellbeing for Your Furry Darling and 17 Promises of Unconditional Love and Friendship Forever.

Be safe and healthy with the super powers of your darling four-legged member. Join us on our Facebook & Instagram for daily dose of information, interaction and fun. We are always happy to share and care!
