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Decode Stress in Cats

It’s unrealistic to expect that life for your cat who has no potential stress triggers but appreciating what those triggers might be and keeping them to a minimum will reduce the likelihood of any problems developing as a result of chronic stress. Let’s decode stress in cats. Stress has been identified as a significant component of (or trigger for) most common cat behavioural problems and…

No Place for Worms in the Heart! Know About Heartworms in Cats

She has a special place in your heart, but do you know what’s in your cat’s heart? Hope it’s not worms and disease! Know more about heartworm in cats and how you can prevent it. Heartworm is a disease in cats that results in severe lung disease, heart failure, and also causes other organs to be damaged. It is caused by Dirofilariaimmitis, commonly called “heartworm”. Filarial nematode…

Pregnancy Care of Queen

Pregnancy and giving birth to young ones is a beautiful process called ‘queening’ in cats. This process needs kind attention of pet parents. This guide will help you to take care of your pregnant cat! Pregnancy in cats lasts approximately 63-65 days – around nine weeks. It can be diagnosed by using abdominal palpation from around three to…

The Gut Story: Keep the bad guys away!

Did you know that the bacteria living in and on your body outnumber your body’s own cells? The same is true for our companion animals, and science shows that beneficial bacteria—the cat microbiome—have a symbiotic relationship with our pet’s bodies and affect their overall health and wellness. You must have heard of gut wrenching stories, but this isn’t one. This is the gut story to help…

Terror of Toxocarosis in cats

Toxocara cati is the most common intestinal parasites, a roundworm that occurs in cats of all ages throughout the world. Be a responsible pet parent and learn about the transmission, prevention, and precautions that needs to be taken to avoid toxocarosis in cats. Transmission tale Toxocara cati infects cats, with multiple routes of infection. Toxocara cati does not infect animals via the…

Toxic Tale of Toxoplasmosis in Cats

Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common parasitic diseases and infects nearly all warm-blooded animals, including pets and humans. Know more about the infection and how you can take care of your feline. It is a disease caused by the protozoa Toxoplasma gondii. When a cat ingests infected prey or raw meat, the parasite is released from cysts into the cat’s digestive tract, where it…

Cleanliness for the Cat of Your Dreams

Your cat is the sweetest, most adoring love of your life…until they drop a land mine in their litter box that’s toxic enough to clear buildings and send villagers running for the hills. If your cat’s litter boxes are always a little too… ripe… here are some simple tips and tricks to tame the smell. When cat litter was invented in 1947, it was made of grains of absorbent clay called Fuller’s…

The Art of Choosing a Right Litter Box (Part-II)

In continuation of the article in previous issue on choosing a right litter box for your kitty, we further tell you how to select a suitable type or model for your feline fellow and effective use of it. There are different types or models of litter boxes for your cat that you can choose from. Models & choices Open Boxes—giving more head space: These boxes are the simplest of all as…

Keep your beloved safe from Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis

With the increasing number of cat pet parents, the awareness about felines and their health is also increasing–which is a great thing. A common disease seen in cats is Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis (FCGS). Know more about this disease and keep your beloved safe! Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis (FCGS) is an oral mucosal inflammatory disease of cats. It is very painful, is mostly severe in…

Protect Your Precious With Regular Health Check-UPS

As a pet parent you take care of all the needs of your pets and give them all the love and care they need. Taking care of their health is of utmost importance. Like you schedule regular health check-ups for yourself and your family members, you should do the same for your pet as well. Talk to your vet about annual or bi-annual check-ups. Cats should be vaccinated against potentially fatal…

Deepen the Connection with Purrfect Nutrition

In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods and they haven’t yet forgotten that! They have a poise which is so mystical that they naturally command just the best in every aspect. Cats are obligate carnivores and heavily rely on meat for their nutritional needs. They evolved as hunters who consumed prey containing high amounts of protein, moderate fat, and minimal amount of carbohydrates, and…

Fight Feline Coronavirus Like a Warrior!

In the global pandemic of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that has claimed so many lives all over the world, the disease is still spreading and things are looking bleak. Experts believe that the massive COVID- 19 outbreak is some way related to over-exploited human- animal interface. Animals play a key role in maintaining ecological balance. Any interference, destruction or over-exploitation of…

Struggling to give medicines? Learn handy ways!

From deworming tablets to antibiotics, you need to give your cat different kinds of pills. Learn handy ways. Most cats are experts at spitting them out, or they refuse to eat them altogether. If you are part of the likely majority of people owned by cats, pilling little Fluffy, otherwise known as trying to place a tiny, hard object into the mouth of an unwilling creature with sharp claws and…

healthy Purrs with Purrfect Nutrition

‘Ginger Toms’ as cats are adoringly referred to however come with their fair share of health concerns. With a careful selection of diet and dietary supplements, any worry could be laid to rest much in advance. Purring happiness a delight Cats, much before they were immortalised by Michele Pliefer or Halley Berry in leather suits, have inhabited this earth for some 4000 years. They have a natural…

Bring out the guards: Vaccinate to Strengthen

Vaccinations are usually administered to produce or artificially increase the immunity to a particular disease. Vaccinations or immunizations work by stimulating the immune system,the natural disease fighting system of the body. Vaccinations are an important part of your cat’s health care routine. By vaccinating your cat, you not just help protect your pet, but also your family. It is…

Water – Elixir of Life & Rescuer from Dehydration

Water helps the body digest food, eliminate stool, and keeps crystals from forming in urine. It also keeps tissues and joints from drying out. Giving them fresh water at all times is imperative. Dehydration is an imbalance of water and electrolytes in the body, and can cause serious complications for pets. Water is essential for all animals to maintain appropriate health and replaces fluids that…

Busting Common 10 Cat Myths

There was a time when people, especially in India, didn’t like keeping cats as pets. The millennial generation is happy to keep cats as pets and shower them with love and affection. But there are so many myths about cats. So let’s debunk 10 Common Cat Myths. 1. Milk is good for cats: This myth has been going on for ages. We’ve all seen cats lapping up milk in cartoons and movies. The fact…

5 Things that Can Scare & Stress Your Cat

Cats have a strong sense of smell and hearing, so they can identify approaching dangers rather quickly. Also, they might react to certain stimuli in strange ways and get scared easily. As pet parents you should make some changes in your home if there’s something constantly disturbing your pet. Five things which can put your cat under stress include: 1. Thunderstorms and firecrackers: Loud…

Know the what, how, and why of Feline DIABETES

If your pet has been urinating excessively or drinking a lot of water, it may be a warning sign indicating diabetes. Follow us in our journey of words bout the what, how and why of feline diabetes. What is it? Starting with the basics! Diabetes is a disease that is caused either due to lack of insulin production or an inadequate response to the insulin produced in the body. Glucose,…

Taurine – What is it good for?

Just like humans, cats are what they eat. Their diet can directly influence their levels of health and vitality. Food is fuel yes, but it’s also vitally important to overall well-being and there are some things that cats must have in their daily regime. Amino Acids are essential nutrients that all mammals need for life in general. Some of these can be created in the body whilst…