Enjoy the ride – life’s lesson with Elsa


I was introduced to my goofy fur ball, Elsa, about a year and half ago. In the process of raising her, I learnt more about life.
The greatest trait a dog has is the ability to love their family with unconditional love that surpasses their instincts. You are always the number one priority in their life and always will be. You may yell at them and they really don’t understand why, but with one smile or pat on their head all is forgiven unlike humans. They teach us that in life, goals are important but we often forget to enjoy the ride.
Acceptance & happiness
You never see a Pug wishing she were a Labrador or vice versa. They accept that others around them are different and they are okay with who they are. My furry pal Elsa taught me about acceptance and happiness which can be achieved by enjoying the little moments to the fullest. However, we humans keep on transitioning from one phase to another which most of the times doesn’t allow us to be with them. On the other hand such short little lives they have, to spend with us and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day without fail. Hence it becomes so essential to make it up to them and invoke a sense of responsibility towards them.
Comfort that I get
I was in a dark place one and a half ago when I underwent my second knee surgery and for two prolonged years I suffered emotionally and physically. While I was striving to recover and heal, after the second one this year, I had a partner to help get me through it. Elsa gave me comfort without trying to find out ‘why’ I need it.
A gateway to heal
Dogs are capable of triggering behaviours and emotions that combat discouragement and anxiety. So, Elsa isn’t just another pet but she is, ultimately, a form of therapy. She was close when I needed reassurance or a lift .On many mornings, she has been my motivation to get out of the bed and try to walk again, even if I couldn’t. I owe it to her whenever I pushed myself to begin all over, ignoring the pain. She became a gateway to heal myself. Because of her, I went from being bed ridden to be able to take her out for long drives. She has helped me grow and heal and I am thankful to her.
Delight in life
It felt calmer each time I stroked Elsa. No words were needed and just her physical presence and ability to remain by my side through emotional outbursts were all I needed to relax. She brings delight in my life and I know she won’t be around forever. I plan to make each day count.
