Cat Food


Diet chart for an adult kitty

As cats are natural carnivores and are unlikely to willingly forego meat from their diet, it is advisable not to feed cat on vegetarian diet alone. In addition to Taurine, Arachidonic acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Niacin, Thiamin and protein are the critical nutrients that should be ensured at adequate level in the diet of cat. Whilst cats may enjoy certain plant foods, vegetarian diets high in fibre and polyunsaturated fatty acids may be detrimental to a cat’s health. High fibre Cat food can fill the cat’s digestive system without providing the necessary nutrients in sufficient concentrations. Following is the diet chart for an adult cat

Liver 50 g
Milk 100 ml
Fish 50
Chicken/Beef 150 g
Rice 50
Vitamin A, D & B complex +
Minerals +
Salt iodized 1 g
Taurine +
Dr. V. Balakrishnan

Diet for your senior kitty

As our cats get older, it is very important to provide them with a good and healthy diet. Here are a few tips to choose the best diet for your ageing kitty.

Good feeding plan. Setting a good feeding plan throughout their lives is the best way to maintain a happy and healthy cat who lives a happy and fit old age.

  • Choose high quality food designed for senior cats. As cats get older they are far less active and their energy decreases so they do not require the same amount of food that they needed when they were younger. Some fat is needed in the diet but this should be reduced although not totally cut out. Senior cat food takes this into consideration and provides them with the vitamins, nutrients and fat that they require.
  • Always choose food that your cat eats and enjoys. As they get older cats often lose some of their teeth and their gums may not be quite as strong and healthy as when they were younger. So, choose a diet which they can eat properly.
  • Give protein to maintain their muscle tone and immune system. Beef, poultry, fish or lamb is preferable and better than protein from sources such as wheat or corn. A cat’s system can use meat-based protein far better than plant-based protein. Approximately one-thirds of the diet should be made up of meat-based food and therefore also provide about one-thirds of their required calories.
  • Provide two or three small meals a day for a senior cat than one large meal. If you are using canned food, always remove the uneaten portion after 30 minutes to prevent the food from spoiling. Some cats, who are not inclined to be obese, can be given a little food to nibble on during the day. If you have younger cats in the house it might be wise to feed your senior animals away so that the younger animals cannot reach it.
  • No to treats and table scraps. It is not a good idea to give your cat, of any age, table scraps or regular treats.
  • Provide your cat with fresh water at all times – especially cats who may have kidney problems.
  • Watch the litter tray. It is important to watch their litter tray to make sure that their waste is not too loose as there may be insufficient fibre in the diet. If this continues for any length of time, always consult your veterinarian who will give your cat a full examination and make suggestions regarding a suitable diet to maintain good health.

(Joan Henderson is based in Australia and she has judged furry felines in many other countries including USA, Bermuda, Malaysia, South Africa, Hong Kong, Philippines and New Zealand)


Q: My one year old cat prefers wet food and is not eating her dry cat food. Is it ok to feed her wet food only? We are mixing the wet food with rice and feeding her twice a day. Also can I feed her fish, chicken or mutton?
-Thelma, Kottayam

Dr KG Umesh: A typical wet food contains 70-120 Kcal per 100g, whereas a dry food contains around 350-400 kcal per 100g. Both wet and dry cat food from reputed manufacturers like Whiskas are complete and balanced food, the difference being water content. Therefore cat will drink more water while eating less dry food compared to wet food. Feeding only wet food also benefits urinary tract health in cats. Feeding one format may encourage the cat to eat the other, i.e. if cat doesn’t like dry food, you can add wet to encourage the cat to eat the dry food. A nutritionally balanced diet is crucial for the healthy growth and development of a cat in order to prepare him for an active, long, and healthy life. Cats cannot thrive on the same basic nutrients as human beings due to their different physiology and the nutrients are needed in proportionately larger quantities. Prepared pet foods from reputable pet food manufacturers come with a guarantee of nutritional adequacy, quality and safety. Our research indicated that most homemade diets/foods fed to cats in our country are inadequate. Therefore do not feed any supplements or home diet while he is feeding on commercial cat food from reputed manufacturer.–ask-the-expert