From fur to fascination – 15 captivating facts about your canine companions

Welcome to the wonderful world of dogs. From wagging tails to adorable puppy faces, here you will have a chance to learn some interesting and fun facts about our canine companions.


A dog’s yawn is not always the same

When dogs’yawns, you probably just assume it means the same thing we do when we yawn. And while it can be a sign of exhaustion, dogs yawn for a variety of reasons. Dogs yawn to calm themselves down, so repeated yawns could indicate that your dog is anxious or stressed.

Science of sense of time

Dogs can tell the difference between an hour and five minutes. They are also aware of their regular meal and walk times.

Poop in alignment

When dogs relieve themselves, they use the earth’s magnetic field. Not only that, but canines prefer to travel along a north-south axis.

Canine Companions – a boost to your mental health

Petting a dog can be beneficial to both your physical and mental health. According to research, petting a dog for fifteen minutes can lower blood pressure by 10%, reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and combat loneliness.

Act of kindness

Dogs are among a small group of animals that freely choose to be kind to others without expecting anything in return.

Did you know – your pooch has three eyelids?

The upper, lower, and nictitating eyelids of canines are located along the inside of the snout. This eyelid serves three purposes – it produces tears, protects the cornea from wind and harsh weather, and contains lymphoid tissue that aids in immune function.

Brainpower comparable to a two-year-old

Researchers have found that dogs are as intelligent and as capable of understanding humans as two-year-old children. They can understand an impressive number of phrases and signs and can be trained great if you start early.

As unique as their nose print

The ridges and creases on a dog’s nose are identical to those on a human fingerprint.

Dogs may detect cancer

There is a possibility of training dogs to detect cancer and other diseases in humans. The metabolic waste products released by cancerous cells in the body are different from those released by healthy cells and upon right training dogs can sense these.

Drifting into dreamworld just like us humans

The twitching you may have observed in your pup while they are sleeping is likely to indicate that they are dreaming. There was a finding in research that dogs have similar sleep patterns to humans and their brain activity is also similar to ours.

Right or Left paw

This may surprise you. Recent research suggests that dogs can have either right or left paws, just as humans do. A total of 17,901 dogs were tested in this study by retrieving treats, dog food, and even a high five. In this study, 26% of the dogs were found to use both paws equally, which means 74% of them clearly preferred one paw over the other.

They run fast and can beat a cheetah

In addition to being able to outrun a cheetah, most dogs can even escape a lion, which is another fascinating fact about dogs. Greyhounds are the fastest breed of dogs. Not only can greyhounds outrun a cheetah and escape a lion, but they can do it faster than any other breed of dog. They can sprint for several seconds before reaching speeds of 45 mph. How would a cheetah be defeated at that speed; you might be asking? It is very simple to outrun a cheetah because they can only run at 70 mph for 30 seconds while greyhounds can maintain 35 mph for long periods of time.

The world is more than just black and white

Have you ever wondered what the world would look like through your pet’s eyes? It is assumed that doggies can only see slate colour, but that’s not true.

Dogs can see colour but it isn’t as pictorial as humans can see them. A dog can distinguish between blue, unheroic and slate, but they cannot see reds, flora, and purples in the same way as humans. Dogs also have a wider supplemental vision than humans and are more attuned to movement. This is why they can snappily spot a squirrel running across the field.

Three dogs survived the Titanic

It’s hard to believe, but it’s true – three dogs survived the Titanic sinking! Two Pomeranians and a Pekinese lived to tell the tale when the ship went down. As the ship began to take on water and sink, the dogs were brought on board lifeboats, where they were cared for until the boats were rescued. The Pomeranians were owned by a first-class passenger, while the Pekinese belonged to a second-class passenger.

Dogs can smell your feelings

The reason that a dog’s sense of smell is so much stronger than a human’s is because dogs have far more scent receptors. While humans have between 5 and 20 million, a dog has up to 300 million. This means that their ability to detect odours is incredibly strong. Not only can they smell fear, but they can also detect changes in hormones and pheromones that humans emit when they’re feeling anxious. This is why they’re so adept at being able to pick up on our emotions. Dogs are also incredibly sensitive to body language and can tell when someone is uncomfortable or scared. This is why they make such excellent companions because they can sense our emotions before we even realize them ourselves.

Dogs are truly incredible animals who have been loved by humans for thousands of years. From their unconditional loyalty to their unwavering faithfulness, their bond with humans is unlike any other. They have even evolved to be able to understand and communicate with us in a way that makes them perfect companions, service animals, and even heroes. Pet parents know that these four-legged friends can bring an unparalleled amount of joy into their lives, while those who don’t own a pet can still appreciate the companionship and love that they offer.