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Swallowing Objects

Being a pet parent, it is your prime responsibility to make sure that your house is pet proofed and all harmful things (for our pooches) are stowed away from their reach. Never forget that these lil' naughty ones can hurt themselves, and sometimes even seriously, if they accidentally ingest an object. Here's how to keep them safe. Coby, a rather naughty German Shepherd ingested a Scotch Brite…

Rejuvenating your pooch’s liver

Liver disease is a serious medical condition in dogs and it is very important to identify the primary cause at early stages, because liver failure will be exhibited only after 70 percent to 80 percent of cells are damaged. Here's more on the liver diseases in pooches. Liver – an introduction Liver is one of the most important and complex organs that carries several vital functions like it stores…

Care for the Loving Heart!

Like humans, dogs too suffer from heart diseases. The common cardiac problems are abnormality of heart beats appropriately known as Arrhythmia and other one is cardiomyopathy (a disease of cardiac muscles). Both conditions may lead to heart failure. Here’s more on heart diseases in dogs. What is cardiomyopathy? Cardiomyopathy (CM) is the most common cause of heart failure. It is of two types i.e.…

‘Treat’ them right!

Delicious, scrumptious treats...our pooches love them and we love to see the happiness on their face when they get one of their favourite treats. But, before you toss that treat to your pooch, hold on, think again – is it right for your pooch? Treats are an important training tool – used for rewarding your pooch for good behaviour. Treats like chew sticks help to keep your dog’s teeth healthy.…

Say no to rude food!

Some foods which are edible for humans can pose hazards for dogs. Some may cause only mild digestive upsets, whereas, others can cause severe illness and even death. Here are some common foods that should not be given. Raw eggs and raw meat: Raw eggs contain an enzyme avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin. This can lead to skin and hair coat problems. Raw eggs and raw meat may also…

Rabies fact check

How is rabies caused? The term ‘rabies’ is a Lain word meaning ‘madness’; it causes acute encephalitis (inflammation of brain) in warm-blooded animals like dogs. This disease is zoonotic as it is transmittable from one species to another through biting by the infected animal, such as from dogs to humans. The virus once gets into the system searches for nerve endings and through it, it traverses to…

Naturally strong!

Every pet parent wants healthy active dogs and tries to give the best care to them. This can be achieved by ensuring a healthy and properly functioning immune system. Here’s more on the immune system in dogs. What’s immunity: Immunity is the ability of body to resist against invading pathogens/organisms (bacteria, virus, fungus or parasites) and eliminating toxins/foreign substances from the…

Care for glittering Shiny eyes…

Eyes are one of the most sensitive organs and require utmost care. Here’s a list of common eye problems in pooches and how we can cure or prevent them. Eyes are the window to our souls and of course to our health. Here are some of the eye problems that can affect your pet. Canine cataract Symptoms: As in humans, the cataract in canines is also genetic and causes the clear lens behind the pupil…

Say ‘no’ to kennel cough

Here’s more on ‘kennel cough’ - the disease that makes pets suffer and the pet parents disturbed. Infectious tracheobronchitis of dogs, in general terms, is referred as ‘kennel cough’. The disease is highly contagious and commonly affects pups and adult dogs, mostly when they come in contact with diseased animals. The dog shelters, boarding kennels, veterinary hospitals and dog shows are the…

Innovation India Helping with disability…

Idea generated in the year 2006 to establish veterinary rehabilitation services in India by a core group team of veterinarians and rehabilitation experts...whole hearted devotion and work by this core group on various aspects of R&D, manufacturing, finance and marketing resulted in the birth of Innovation India in 2009, helping disabled pets lead a meaningful life. Mahatma Gandhi said, “The…

Bust the myth!

Does high level of proteins cause aggression and kidney failure in pets? Need for protein… Proteins perform numerous functions in the body, encompassing roles as diverse as structural components of practically all body tissues, enzymes for digestion of food and metabolic reactions, homeostatic hormones and transport proteins, and imunoglobulins and other components of the immune system. Body…

Food allergies in dogs

How can I look after my pet’s skin and coat? By regularly and carefully checking your pet’s skin and coat, you will often notice changes that were not immediately apparent. For example, you might notice dandruff, a splinter or a mass (lump) that only recently appeared…. Similarly, your pet’s behaviour can be very significant. If he keeps scratching or licking, it is important to check the affected…

Beating hypothyroidism in pooch pals!

Hypothyroidism is due to impaired production and secretion of the thyroid hormones, which results in a decreased metabolic rate. It is the most common endocrinopathy of the dog. The clinical signs are quite variable and almost any organ system may be involved. Causes of hypothyroidism The thyroid gland is a small gland that is situated close to the larynx (voice box) in the neck. It is regulated…

Beware of common pooch diseases

What are the common pooch diseases? Does a particular breed have any specific problem? How can we keep our pooch healthy? These are just a few of the questions that plague a pet parent’s mind. Read on to know more about them. Skin diseases are by far the most common diseases in dogs. Let’s see why. “It’s mainly due to ticks, fleas, fungal, bacterial and mange. Well, these come single as well as in…

Vaccinate to keep diseases at bay!

Canine Parvo and Canine Distemper are two commonly prevalent diseases in pooches but the good news is that they can be prevented – with effective use of vaccines. Here’s more on vaccinating the right way! Vaccination is an artificial induction of actively acquired immunity by administration of a non-pathogenic form of a disease causing agent. All the vaccines should be recommended or used with…

Royal Canin nutritional expertise comes to nutritional supplement

Nutritional supplement Supplement given outside normal meal times, provide a response to needs linked to specific situations. Today, Royal Canin is innovating nutritional supplement born from Health Nutrition: Educ, for training puppies and adult dogs. Age, breed, sensitivities... Royal Canin has been providing dogs and cats with the most precise nutritional answers, whatever their specific needs,…

Care for long floppy ears!

Long, floppy, big, soft, and droopy ears make Basset Hounds unique and lovable. But these unique ear flaps along with short and stumpy legs and his sniffy nature make situation warranted for constant management to avoid ear problems. Here’s how to take care of your Basset’s ears. Basset Hound’s large pendant ears do not allow air to circulate inside the ears, hence, if the ears are not cleaned…

Fighting the dreadful cancer

Cancer is a common cause of death in canines as it is in humans. But a little observation and timely diagnosis and treatment can save the lives of our tailwaggers. The basics… ‘Cancer’ is a malignant, cellular tumour. A ‘tumour’ is a swelling or tissue growth which has uncontrolled cell multiplication. It can be malignant or benign. If the tumour is malignant, it has a tendency to progressively…