Preserving the genes


All those who have seen the recent Bollywood flick Vicky Donor would agree how important it is to have a healthy donor for cases of artificial insemination. The same holds true for canines as well.
The process…
Artificial Insemination (AI) is the process of collection of semen from the male and depositing it through artificial means into the receptive female dog for conception. It can be done through vaginal, surgical or laproscopic (transcervical)insemination.
The advantages…
As a breeding option, AI offers distinct advantages. An exceptional male, chosen for his intelligence, temperament, athleticism and skills can continue to produce offsprings long after his death. This can be done by saving his semen, which can later be used to breed with the female dogs, even thousands of miles apart. Besides, a well fertile male dog who becomes accidentally injured can also contribute to the breed.
The selection…
Sample collection is a very simple process in dogs. The dog is first physically examined for any evidence of reproductive diseases such as testicular degeneration or progressive problems of the prostate gland.
Then he is brought together with a female in oestrous period. He is then stimulated to cause an ejaculation and the sample is collected.
The evaluation…
The sample is then examined to ensure that it is sufficiently concentrated, adequately motile and anatomically normal. The fertile and infertile samples are segregated at this stage.
The conception rate…
Depending on the technique and the ability of those performing it, breeders can expect 65-85 percent success rate and usually somewhat smaller litters will be noted.
(Dr N Anbuchezhian, BVSc, is Managing Director at Chezhian Pet Care Hospital and Secretary of Animal Health Awareness Trust, Tamil Nadu).