Safe Haven for your feline!


Cats are curious creatures and it is up to the pet parent to make sure that their cats are safe and healthy at all times. Here are few tips to keep them safe at home.
Safety first: Never leave a door or window open as the cat can escape and head off into the great outdoors. Care with guests at home: If you are expecting visitors – especially those with young children – the safest way to protect your cat is to place her in a room with the Cats are curious creatures and it is up to the pet parent to make sure that their cats are safe and healthy at all times. Here are few tips to keep them safe at home.
door closed until the visitors leave. It is not unusual to stand at an open door when people are arriving or leaving and if the cat is loose in the house, she will dash out and it is not always easy to encourage her to come back inside straight away. Sadly, we have all seen dead cats on the side of the road that
have been hit by cars. It is not the fault of the driver if a cat dashes out on to the road and under the wheels of their car. The other major problem is when a cat who is roaming outside it can be confronted by an angry dog who does not care for cats, or is not used to cats. Most cats are very
brave but large dogs can be very dangerous for cats and the end result is extremely distressing.
Security doors/windows: Install a heavy mesh security door so that when the main door is opened, the cat is still blocked due to this second door. The main reason for these doors is both security and to allow fresh air inside without allowing cats to get away. The same applies to windows – install flywire screens so that flying insects cannot get inside and the cat is not able to escape. You would be surprised how little a window needs to be open for a cat to slink through the tiniest gap and get away. Lock away unwanted substances: Keep all medications, detergents, f er t i li zer s , mothballs, etc
away from your cat’s reach. I have said, many times, the cats in our house are our responsibility, and we need to be ever vigilant to make sure they are safe and free from harm. BEFORE we bring a kitten or cat home we need to check out all doors, windows and any escape areas… be very aware… cats will find any area where they can get out and then we suffer the heartache of losing a much loved companion through our own negligence. Don’t do this after the cat has arrived in the house.
(Joan E Henderson is based in Australia and she has judged furry felines in many other countries including USA, Bermuda,Malaysia, South Africa, Hong Kong, Philippines and New Zealand.)