An holistic approach to health and welfare of dogs

An holistic approach is to look at the underlying cause of a behaviour or training problem by looking at the whole-istic health issues of the dog, physically and mentally. Here are a few factors that affect the dog on a daily basis. Well-balanced diet: a must The canine therapist should have a recognised qualification in canine or animal nutrition when looking at a holistic approach to…

Is your dog a spoilt brat?

You may hear many dog owners starting sentences of complaints as: “My dog does not know how to behave” or “My dog is a spoilt dog”. But when you ask them if they ‘helped’ the dog to learn or not, they look at you with questioning eyes. They expect the dog to think and act with a ‘human brain’. If you just bring the puppy to your home and let him decide how to behave, he starts behaving proper to…

Bearded Collies: fun-loving beautiful chaps!

A Beardie is a winsome, funny, loving, sometimes silly, sometimes pouty, adorable, curious, persistent creature, in short, close to humans. Just be prepared to brush long hair, wet beards in your lap, and muddy pawprints in the wrong places at the wrong time.... Otherwise, they’re like peanuts. You can’t stop with just one. Tailwaggers literally! The Bearded Collie is a medium-sized dog with…

Right diet for mom & pups for a good start

Is your dog expecting or are you waiting for your new puppy to arrive? If so, Royal Canin has developed its Birth & Growth nutritional solutions, specially formulated to make the critical period from birth to weaning safe for your dog and her puppies. It is very important to take care of the nutritional needs of the mom dog and pups. The five key stages of their life together include:…

Ask the Expert..| Jan – Feb 11

Q: I am planning to buy a Labrador Retriever puppy. Please tell me what are the pre/post things I should check/do? Also suggest how many month old pup should I buy? -Amrutha, Bangalore Dr. K.G. Umesh: Owning a dog is a big responsibility and giving your dog the best care and attention can help to improve the quality and length of your dog’s life. The best age to bring a puppy home is when he is…

Taking care of your diabetic pooch

Diabetes in dogs? Yes, they acquire it too…. Diabetes is an endocrine disorder, and like humans, dogs too can acquire diabetes. Once your pet is diagnosed, the pet parent should take complete care. What is diabetes? Diabetes occurs due to malfunction of the endocrine glands. Once the pancreas fails to secrete the right level of insulin needed by the dog to utilise all of the glucose produced by…

Good idea to keep a cat and a dog together?

‘They fight like cats and dogs’ – the age old expression always had us believe that no two animals could be fiercer enemies of one another. But what if you are smitten by both a dog and a cat and just can’t stay away from both? A happy story… Kirti Tarang, a professional with Childline India from Mumbai, had no choice. “For me it wasn’t a deliberate step. I had a Labrador at my place and then one…

Caring for the Claws!!!

Cats have a tremendous drive to knead with or without their claws. This kneading is largely benign and sometimes results in slight wear to your furniture. But you can trim your kitty’s claws to reduce the effect. Clip your kitty's claws You can clip you kitty’s claws to keep them in proper shape. To do so, follow the steps: You can get fancy claw clippers, or just use human style nail clippers.…

Is your kitty suffering from Separation anxiety

Do you often come home to shredded couch and tattered cushions? Do you find your kitty going berserk when you are about to leave home? Does your feline friend greet you with frantic joy when you return home after a long day at work? If you have been observing these and many other signs in your feline friend, don’t take the matter lightly. Your kitty could be suffering from what is known as the…

When letting go is the best thing you can do…

When the suffering is too much and there is no cure…letting go is the best we can do for them. October 18, 2010 was a black day for me as I had to put my beloved furry friend to sleep. Pattu, my pet cat, who was seven years old, was suffering from chronic renal failure which was killing him slowly. I had to make this painful decision, based on my veterinarian’s guidance. We, as pet parents, may be…