Toygers: Mini tigers to love and cuddle

Those who are enchanted by tigers can bring home a Toyger with looks of a tiger but size like a toy and a heart of gold Dressed to kill Toygers were created to look like Toy Tigers. They are short haired, completely domestic cat derived fromcarefully selected domestic shorthairs and pedigreed cats like the Bengal. Medium-sized, Toygers are strong with long and muscular tail. Their coat is short…

Groom him beautiful!

Even though cats spend a lot of time licking and cleaning themselves, they still need regular grooming to remove loose hair, prevent matting and keep the skin free from diseases. Here's how to do that. Step by step instructions for grooming cats Clean the cat's ears – Put a few drops of solution in your kitty's ears and wipe out with a cotton ball. If you notice excess waxy buildup, check for…

Ask the expert..Nov-Dec 10

Q: My cat Oliver is a two-month-old Persian. Please advice about cat training and flea prevention. - Asma Nadeem Ahmed, Bangalore A: Dr KG Umesh: Early socialisation is the process by which a cat learns to relate appropriately to people, other cats and to her environment. The 'sensitive period' for socialisation lies between two and seven weeks of age in kittens. Getting the socialisation…

Keep your kitty happy and healthy in her golden years

As pet parents, it can be really difficult for us to face the fact that the rambunctious, young kitten we got home few years back, has now grown into a somber senior cat. It’s now that your kitty needs more attention, love and care. Here’s how to keep her healthy and happy in these years. In cats, the biological age depends on various factors like the quality of living conditions, her diet,…

Diet for your senior kitty

As our cats get older, it is very important to provide them with a good and healthy diet. Here are a few tips to choose the best diet for your ageing kitty. Good feeding plan. Setting a good feeding plan throughout their lives is the best way to maintain a happy and healthy cat who lives a happy and fit old age. Choose high quality food designed for senior cats. As cats get older they are far…

Fat to fit plan for your feline

Felines are no different from human beings in terms of weight gain – if calorie intake is greater than calorie burned, they will put on weight. And if you have a housecat who has the choicest of foods and treats handfed to her, chances are, your kitty is…well…going to end up on the tubby side. Here’s how to handle the extra flab. Sometime back, authorities in New Jersey found a cat weighing 20 kg…

Ask the Expert / Nov-Dec 2010

Dr. K. G. Umesh (MVSc, MSc (UK)) is a Postgraduate in Clinical Medicine. He has been a lecturer in clinical medicine at Vet College in Bangalore for 15 years, and has won the 'best teacher' award in the year 2000. He is a member of European Society for Vet Dermatology and is presently working for WALTHAM as Regional Associate for south Asia Q: We have adopted a two and a half years old male Black…

Pawfect dietary care for mother & puppies

The arrival of a litter of puppies is always an exciting experience and to make everything go well, you can rely on your vet’s experience and ‘Birth & Growth’ programme from Royal Canin. You need to provide the mother, and the litter she is carrying, with a range of nutrients essential for development. They must be found in her diet, otherwise your female dog’s body will draw on its own…

Unquestionable benefits of neutering

Changes in sexual behaviour – About twice a year, when females come on heat, males and females are strongly attracted to each other and show great ingenuity in finding ways to get together and mate. This behaviour is highly likely to lead to an unwanted pregnancy. Figures also show increased risks of straying and car traffic accidents at this time. Neutering a female dog stops her having seasons…

Return of the lost love !

Please send in your pet's stories at to get published. Priya was feeling bereft since her black Labrador Waldo died on Holi. After a long and painful battle with tumours and organ failure for two years, Waldo succumbed to kidney failure. The festival of colours turned into a day of mourning for Priya. The next day, Priya left home on a week-long official trip. It helped her…