We can never lose what’s a part of us!


Monita Manchanda
Losing a pet can leave you shattered. The void can never be filled, you just grow with it. If you have also lost a pet, our heart goes out to you and we hope you find solace and strength to get back to life! –by Monita Manchanda
Memories & Moments for life

What a million dollar smile that basket containing a fur ball had brought on my daughter’s sleepy face! Yes, this was ten years ago when her desire for a puppy as an addition to the family had been fulfilled. The little bundle of joy brought with it a complete change in our household. As little Romeo grew with each passing day so did our love and bonding with him. As a full grown Labrador, he became the hero for all children in the society. Our life which rotated this heartthrob would come to a standstill every time he had even a minor illness. Ask any pet parent and this feeling would be mutual.

The ultimate truth

We could now never imagine our life without him. But alas! The ultimate truth – the end has to come and when it came, the bolt was unbearable to say the least. That decision to put him to sleep, his last breath in our arms, and the burial, it all left us in shambles.

Beyond the rainbow bridge
Whatever disheartened and miserable you feel, life has to go on. Every nook and corner of the house had his memories. Every time you entered the house you long for that wagging tail, those love-filled eyes, and the cuddles that can take away all the day’s stress in a jiffy! But the loneliness, the emptiness in the heart is something that only a pet parent who has lost a pet would understand. There are no words that can put across these emotions. Looking at his toys, his bowl and his pictures, strangely bought a lot of comfort and solace.

We decided to relive all the happiness Romeo had bought in our lives. The good times we had together, the happy memories of our years together were all that was left! At one point you do realise that there is nothing that can fill the heart of the void created. So remembering him with happiness and tears of joy (sometimes tears of sorrow) was the best way to remember him.

Together fur-ever
If you too have lost your pet, remember him for all the good times and don’t be sad. I know it is easier said than done, but trust me it isn’t that difficult. Cry your heart out, make a bridge over that and walk past, so that you don’t go back to those dark times repeatedly.
Romeo was and will always be a part of our lives and we honour it every day. Make your pet a part of everyday conversations and you’ll see how much joy it brings to you!
