Come Bruno, let’s play…


Labs are high-spirited and good-tempered four-legged buddies and I am blessed by one such sparkling gem. Bruno, my 3-year-old Lab, true to his nature… is very hyperactive and playful…ask anytime of the day, he is rocking…ready to roll. His unmatched gait and grandeur add more to his beauty…perhaps he is the most beautiful dog I can vouch for.
What makes him stand out amongst his peers is his sweet and obedient nature, especially with kids…he loves to care for them. Unlike Labs, he is very health conscious and extra careful about his food intake. He hates to be left alone and eats only when someone is around.
He simply goes crazy for his morning and evening walks, because it’s the time he gets to meet his buddies and have fun. His friends Scooby – Dane and Tyson – Boxer…are always waiting for him and they create magical moments together. He wants to be pampered and loved all the time and we also feel incomplete without him… we all love our Bruno and wish God to bless everyone with one such loving companion.