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Food wise!

We love to pamper our kitties with the food we eat. But beware, this can be harmful for your cat. Here’s a list of food that should not be given to your beloved kitties: Milk: Large number of cats cannot tolerate milk because of lactose intolerance as cats cannot produce proper amount of lactic acid. The lactic acid contains lactase enzyme which breaks down the milk and helps in digesting it. Lack…

Don’t break my heart!

Yes, cats can also suffer from heart disease. Some can be caused by nutrition, but most have a genetic basis. Here’s more on heart disease in cats. Heart diseases… The most common heart diseases are known as Cardiomyopathy. There are often no signs that there is anything wrong with the cat. There are three basic forms of Cardiomyopathies: Dilated, Restrictive and Hypertrophic. Dialated…

The purrfect play session…

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy… same is with our kitties who need play not just for fun, but for bonding with their littermates and pet parents. Importance of play… Play comes natural to kittens. Kittens start to play when they are four weeks of age and this continues up to 10-14 weeks of age. During this period, kittens engage in social play with their littermates. Social play teaches…

Dealing with bad breath in cats

Bad breath or Halitosis in cats is rarely seen but if you do become aware of a bad smell in your cat’s mouth then you should attend to it immediately as problems of a lasting nature can occur. There are certain breeds of cats who are inclined to suffer from Gingivitis and this is a problem that your veterinarian can keep a regular check on. It can be very unpleasant and painful for the animal and…

We are carnivores!

Cats are carnivores and they need to eat a meat-based diet. Certain nutrients are available in meat-based diet only and these are lost to the cat if she is fed only vegetarian diet. For healthy growth, cats need amino acids from proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and water. Proteins Proteins, which provide the much needed energy, should form part of a cat’s daily diet. The protein…

Do cats and kittens need to drink cow’s milk?

Many pet parents feed only cow’s milk to their cats and kittens. This causes diarrhoea, especially in kittens. People in general think that cow’s milk provides sufficient nutrition for their cats and do not give cat food but it is not so. Let’s shun this myth. Let mother cat feed the kittens… Mother’s milk which contains essential nutrients and antibodies is essential for the healthy growth of…

Kitty first-aid tips

Sometimes, your cat gets hurt and his ear bleeds...or he can have a broken nail. Here’s how to handle these situations. First-aid for bleeding ears… Cut ears may bleed profusely. Carefully approach the cat and restrain him if necessary. Cover the wound with a clean cloth, sterile dressing or pad. Place dressing material on both sides of the ear flap and hold firmly to control the bleeding.…

Feline mammary tumours

Know some facts about feline mammary tumours, which are the third most common tumours in female cats. Around 80-90 percent mammary gland tumours in cats are malignant (serious). Size of the tumour is probably the best prognostic indicator, whereas factors like age of the patient, tumour number and location have less prognostic value. Tumour size larger than two cm is considered to be serious.…

When it’s time to call a vet…

Your proud sweet feline is losing weight or is unusually lethargic…he is throwing up or is showing an abnormal behaviour…do not wait, call your vet immediately…your feline is probably sick. Here’s how to know if your kitty needs a professional care. Kitties can’t talk but as a pet parent, you can analyse when your kitty needs a professional veterinary care. Here’s a list to make it easier for you…

Wool sucking: feline obsessive-compulsive disorder

We all love cuddling our balls of fur, giving them warm hugs, showing how much we care for them. But imagine if they start chewing our sweaters while we are expressing our love...well, a bit inconvenient. This strange behavior when they chew on sweaters, towels, blankets or even carpets is commonly called wool sucking... here’s more info about the same. Cravings to chew... The causes of this…

Preventing common kitty problems

We all know that prevention is better than cure. Here are a few ways to prevent common problems in your furry felines. We cannot keep our cats safe and well all the time, but a little forethought can help minimise the risks to which they are exposed. Our cats cannot understand what these are. So, it is up to us to think about how we take care of them and to keep them as healthy and well protected…

Caring for Your Cat: The Top Ten Essentials

Although your cat may act independent and be litter-trained, he still counts on you to provide him with food, water, safe shelter, regular veterinary care, companionship, and more. Take care of these ten essentials, and you’ll be guaranteed to develop a rewarding relationship with your feline companion. Outfit your cat with a collar and ID tag that includes your name, address, and…

When’s the time to seek a vet?

As a pet parent, we should learn to observe in detail and know when to take the cat to the vet. How do you decide? Know how much your cat eats. If this amount changes significantly (except in a growing kitten), know what the reason is. See the veterinarian in the absence of a good reason. Cats should have good habits, including keeping their fur and anus clean. If you still find your cat does not…

Watch out for fever!

It is very important to monitor your kitty’s body temperature to ensure she is healthy. Let’s see why. Case file… Tiger, my tripod feline pal, is usually active, naughty and playful. One day I noticed that he seemed to be in a lot of pain and was finding it difficult to walk or run. I took him immediately to the veterinarian. Tiger’s body temperature was taken and it was 104oF and rising fast.…

Abscess in felines

Abscesses developed due to puncture wounds inflicted during fights among male cats are very common. Here are some symptoms and protection measures of abscesses. At the Blue Cross animal shelter, we very often come across several tomcats with abscesses. Abscesses contain pus that usually occur as a result of puncture wounds inflicted during cat fights. Fight abscesses, especially among male cats,…

Healthy Bites

Here’s something to go with highly nutritional pet food…healthy advice from Drools. Pets thrive on affection, attention and the right kind of emotional and medical care. We at Drools are well aware of every pet parent’s need to keep their pet healthy and secure. Here are some quick tips to make the task simpler. Serve your pet a dose of good health A healthy, balanced and nutritious diet is…

Feline AIDS: what you should know about it?

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) in felines, first identified in 1986, is similar to the AIDS virus in humans. Let’s know more about this deadly disease. Like HIV, FIV is referred as ‘Feline AIDS’ and it may lay dormant for years before symptoms occur. The cat can live a normal and healthy life, even up to 10 years, without developing any symptoms of the disease. Transmission of FIV The virus…

What to do when your kitty throws up?

Your kitty vomits, don’t get anxious, try to find out the cause…. Here are a few tips to know when to call a vet. Vomiting or regurgitation is common in the cat and happens for a variety of reasons – worms, hairball, obstruction, tumour, poisoning, constipation, illness, overfeeding, over-excitement or eating food that is too cold or too hot. In general, vomiting long after a meal is a more…

When letting go is the best thing you can do…

When the suffering is too much and there is no cure…letting go is the best we can do for them. October 18, 2010 was a black day for me as I had to put my beloved furry friend to sleep. Pattu, my pet cat, who was seven years old, was suffering from chronic renal failure which was killing him slowly. I had to make this painful decision, based on my veterinarian’s guidance. We, as pet parents, may be…

Keeping your Kitty in good health

Our kitties can also have problems like constipation or some urinary problems. Here’s how to help him out. Constipation… A cat’s stools should be moist but firm; most have one movement a day but this varies from cat to cat. Constipation is caused by lack of exercise, hairballs, lack of liquids in the diet, disease or psychic trauma such as moving to a new home. Constipation can be a symptom of a…