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Adopted today… abandoned tomorrow

Perhaps the most dreadful thing to do to a pooch is to abandon him…as adjusting to a new environment without his family (you!) would be a painful and devastating experience! Never ever think of doing this to your pooch! Pets are part of our family, then why are pets abandoned when they are sick or have behavioural problems or any other reason whatsoever? A family that I know of had an adorable…

Cuddled up moments… with growing canines

All rolled up together…small balls of fur cuddled up like an entity, with closed eyes, they look like angelic beauties. Yes! We are talking about a pack of new born pups. To preserve these gifts of God, we have to be extra careful about their upbringing, especially for the first eight weeks, which has a strong influence on their personality and development. Here’s how to bring up the smartest,…

Bon Voyage

This summer, take a vacation with your pooch to a pet-friendly hotel/resort. Here’s how to make your trips more comfortable and enjoyable Sniff the hotels… The comfort of your pet is your first priority. Check out the hotels in India which are pet friendly. It is important that you call and confirm the details. Call and check room descriptions, services offered and if any special arrangements have…

Cold weather & your dog’s skin

Winter weather can be harsh on your dog’s skin, especially if he’s a senior. As dogs age, their oil-secreting glands slow down, making them prone to dry skin. The cold winter air and dry indoor heat only aggravate the condition, causing itching and flaking that may lead to constant scratching, biting or licking. To help your pet survive the winter with a healthy skin and coat, follow these…

Healing naturally with love!

In this fast-paced lifestyle, it is common for us and our loved ones, including our pooches, to suffer from aches and pains. Imagine the benefits of having a tool that you can use to help yourself and your loved ones to feel better in a completely natural way. Quantum-Touch is one such tool, which is powerful, yet easy to learn energy healing modality. Here’s more on this wonder-technique. …

Let the odour go

How do we get to keep your buddy indoor sans the hair and the odour? Well, just a few tips and a slight change in interiors can help you keep your home smelling fresh and clean even during the dreaded hair-shedding season.   No matter how much we scrub, shampoo and house-train our furry friends, we simply cannot escape doggie hair strewn over the sofa and a distinct smell in the house that screams…

Silence please!

We love to celebrate – fireworks, loud noise, music from a core part of our festivities. The louder the better, little do we realise the condition of our panic stricken pooch to whom loud noise in any form–music, cracker, thunderstorm can spell pure disaster. Hard facts Sabina Chopra, a pet parent said, “I had adopted two strays who lived in the compound of my building, the loud noise of thunder…

Banish the butt

People widely discuss the allergies triggered by dogs from their fur and saliva but seldom understand the inconvenience caused to dogs from the smoking habit of their pet parents. Yes, passive smoking is harmful to our pets as well; let’s see how. We all know that smoking is injurious to health but still people do not quit smoking. The Union Health Ministry in India has prohibited smoking in…

Sniffing to ecstasy

We all know our pooches are nosey – olfaction is their primary and most important sense. Humans have five million scent receptors in their nasal folds but these guys have over 200 million!!! No wonder then that our pooches love and actually benefit from aromatherapy Our pooches know all the secrets of simply sniffing. They might not like the synthetic scents and perfumes we use but they are…

Keeping boredom at bay

Just like our kids, a mentally-stimulated dog is a happy dog. Here are a few tips to keep your dog mentally stimulated and you a worry-free happy pet parent. Like humans, dogs too require mental stimulation to keep boredom at bay. If your dog is not mentally stimulated, then she might fall into depression, which will not only create sadness but also lack of motivation. The primary requirements…

Delicious Doggy Delight

Your pooch loves to gorge on the delicacies you make. Pamper his taste buds with this healthy and delicious diet! Liver Lip Smackers! What do you need? 3 cups whole-wheat flour, ½ cup cornmeal, 2 tbsp wheat bran, 1 beaten egg, 3 tbsp chicken fat/vegetable oil, 1 cup cooked and coarsely pureed chicken/mutton liver and 1 cup (approx) chicken broth. What’s cooking? •    Preheat oven to 180ºC. •    …

Your child & your pet: friends for life

For all those you are skeptical to keep your child and pet together, here comes the respite. You can nurture a beautiful bond between the two, which you all can cherish for life. A widespread concern amongst countless pet loving parents is the safety of their little children around the canine companions of the family. In fact, living with pets can account…

Caution: Keep out of your Dog’s reach!

Sharing a snack seems the easiest option to score brownie points with your pooch and what could make your pet happier than a choco-chip cookie or a piece of Kentucky Fried Chicken. More out of love than ignorance, dog owners often forget that their best buddies belong to a completely different species and that their body mechanisms are poles apart from ours. What seems perfectly nutritious treat…

Right water bowl for your pet

Have you ever wondered even the smallest thing like choosing a water bowl for your dog can contribute to his well-being? Here’s more on choosing the right water bowl for your loving canine. Like humans, pets too need to drink plenty of water daily to keep them healthy and free from diseases. Water is essential for every surviving being on this planet. If your pooch does not drink the required…

Making your puppy feel ‘at home’

This is when life really gets exciting... the day you bring home your new baby puppy. Here is how to make the transition away from his mother, keeping his feeling and grief in mind. Preparation for the D-Day To make this separation little easier for your puppy, try to arrange with your breeder to allow you to visit your puppy a couple of times before you fi nally collect him. A few days…

Bring home the right pooch, the right friend

Abandonment and re-homing have become very common. Imagine the stress, tension and trauma a poor dog goes through when the family whom he considers his own abandons him.. They say that adopting a dog is no lesser than a process of self-discovery, whereby you get to realize and identify traits and attributes of your lifestyle and personality that perhaps you would have never thought before.…

Sibling rivalry : bringing home asecond dog

Most pooches love to have friends from the same species but that is not enough ground to assume that bringing home a new dog is going to be a cake-walk! Striking a balance between your two furry friends is important, if you don’t want either of them to feel hurt, threatened or left out. Here’s how to make things easier for both pooches. Two doggies living under the same roof (especially if one of…

Caution before you breed

Breeding is big responsibility as it reflects more of the personality of her master. Here are a few things to be kept in mind while breeding your dog. A dog as a pet provides us unique companionship, sense of security, faithfulness and moments of unbound happiness. But by the time our pup matures into an adult female we may tend to be complacent about her needs and implications of her…

Puppy health woes: prevention is better than cure

Pooch babies are prone to diseases, infections or defects, which can prove fatal. Responsible pet parenting calls for regular care and observation, which can go a long way in preventing diseases in our puppies. Here are a few common puppy health diseases, which can be easily averted by expanding our awareness aura…to make our cute little angels healthy and happy. Neonatal anoxia and HypoxiaNewborn…

Choosing the right breeder: a key to bring home the perfect pooch

While the decision of adopting a dog and pledging responsibility of his wellbeing for the rest of his life is quite a testing matter; what can be equally challenging is the entire process of fi guring out just where to adopt one from. During the course of adopting a puppy from a breeder, one must not, in any way, encourage or give support to a cruel, illegal and inhuman breeding system which…