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Meow Times

Fuss of Flea Allergic Dermatitis in Felines

Flea allergic dermatitis (FAD) is the most common skin problem in cats and is also known as flea bite  hypersensitivity. Know all about it and how you can protect your feline friends! FAD is an allergic reaction to flea saliva injected by the bites of fleas. It is caused by the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, which is common in both dogs and cats. It is estimated that up to 50 percent…

Safety First Always—Mends After Accidents

One of the saddest things for a pet parent is to see their beloved pet injured or hurt. If you are a pet parent and your pet is hurt or injured in an accident, here’s how you can help and avoid any further injury or blood loss. If your cat is hurt or injured, you need to be extra careful while handling her. For cats who have had an accident, there’s one essential thing that you need in…

Beautiful & Bountiful Bengal

Meet the mini leopard—Bengal cat! Know for their fascinating origin and how they become one of the most loved cat breeds.

Think Like A Cat!

Will you and your cat be a match made in heaven or an odd couple? All depends on how well you understand your cat. Understanding cats is easy, we just need to know how they live in their natural environment and then make sure we meet their needs. Outdoors, cats hunt for food, hide from predators (often by climbing) and defend their home territories.Indoors, these behaviour, may look…

Commit to a routine dental check-up

Your adorable kitty needs the right care and routine treatment to keep her pearly white intact. The adult cat has thirty teeth. They have six sharp little incisors on the top jaw and six ones on the lower jaw. On either side of the incisors they have big tusk teeth—four in all. These are called canine teeth, but I don’t think it’s meant as an insult. Then there’s a little toothless gap. Behind…

A ray of hope for your rescued feline family!

Bringing home a new pet is a big step that requires careful planning and consideration. You need to make sure that you are well prepared to take on the responsibility. Getting home a new feline friend is so exciting, but make sure you are fully prepped up to be a responsible pet parent. Whether you wish to adopt a rescued stray cat from a shelter or pick up a lost one from the street,…


Dos and Don’ts in Making Friends Between Two New Felines If you already have a kitten, it is quite likely you believe in ‘the more the merrier’ and would want to have more. Cats are social by nature and enjoy being with their own gang. Though they can survive alone, they wouldn’t mind some additional company.

Decode Stress in Cats

It’s unrealistic to expect that life for your cat who has no potential stress triggers but appreciating what those triggers might be and keeping them to a minimum will reduce the likelihood of any problems developing as a result of chronic stress. Let’s decode stress in cats. Stress has been identified as a significant component of (or trigger for) most common cat behavioural problems and…

Old, Gold, Yet Beautifully Bold –Take Care of Your Senior Cats

Is your pet getting old and gray? To make the transition from an adult to a senior easy for your pet, you need to be patient and sensitive towards these changes. Cats of the age of 11 years and above are usually considered seniors. As their age progresses, cats invariably undergo various physiological as well as behavioural changes.Cats are experts at hiding their pain despite underlying…

No Place for Worms in the Heart! Know About Heartworms in Cats

She has a special place in your heart, but do you know what’s in your cat’s heart? Hope it’s not worms and disease! Know more about heartworm in cats and how you can prevent it. Heartworm is a disease in cats that results in severe lung disease, heart failure, and also causes other organs to be damaged. It is caused by Dirofilariaimmitis, commonly called “heartworm”. Filarial nematode…

Quite and Quirky Classic Longhair

Recognised by The Feline Club of India (FCI) as Classic Longhair (CLH), but in normal world they are known as Traditional Persian Cat/Doll Face. Tom, my CLH, is blue and white by colour, huge giant by size and he is as timid as rabbit by temperament when it comes to playing with other kittens as young as 45 days old.  

50 Shades of Cattitude

Cats and their captivating ways! There’s a lot more to your feline friend than meets the eye. You may love this mystical creature of yours without being aware of how cool this species is. Here is a list of 50 amusing facts about cats who’ll leave you awestruck! 1. The oldest cat called Creme Puff was born on 3rd August 1967 and lived up to 38 years, 3 days. 2. Cats are the only mammals who…

Pregnancy Care of Queen

Pregnancy and giving birth to young ones is a beautiful process called ‘queening’ in cats. This process needs kind attention of pet parents. This guide will help you to take care of your pregnant cat! Pregnancy in cats lasts approximately 63-65 days – around nine weeks. It can be diagnosed by using abdominal palpation from around three to…

‘Meow Magic’ tugging the heart strings!

Here’s a scenario that I am sure as a cat parent you have encountered time and again. You hold your cat close for a warm cuddle only to have her paws land on your face pushing you away or have your cat almost immediately wanting to leap off and away from your embrace! Sounds familiar? All along, you have showered your kitty with ample love and affection. Never missing an opportunity to…

Bengal Cat– A Beautiful Blend of Leopard & Jaguar

Bengal Cat is considered as designer breed who epitomises wild look of a leopard and temperament of a domestic cat. In virtue of my fascination this breed demands less attention and care as compared to others like Persians. Let’s see what all it takes to make Bengal a unique breed. In December 2016, my cat took part in a cat show held in Nashik where I met my elder brother and my mentor…

The magic of Right Training!

Cats can not only be trained to, and there are beneficial behaviors you should consider teaching your cat to perform, not only in an emergency, but also to enrich her day to day life.

The Gut Story: Keep the bad guys away!

Did you know that the bacteria living in and on your body outnumber your body’s own cells? The same is true for our companion animals, and science shows that beneficial bacteria—the cat microbiome—have a symbiotic relationship with our pet’s bodies and affect their overall health and wellness. You must have heard of gut wrenching stories, but this isn’t one. This is the gut story to help…

Terror of Toxocarosis in cats

Toxocara cati is the most common intestinal parasites, a roundworm that occurs in cats of all ages throughout the world. Be a responsible pet parent and learn about the transmission, prevention, and precautions that needs to be taken to avoid toxocarosis in cats. Transmission tale Toxocara cati infects cats, with multiple routes of infection. Toxocara cati does not infect animals via the…

Cats and Bones – Not a match made in heaven!

Our feline friends are so sensitive and smart. Whether it is understanding our emotions or conveying their likes and dislikes, cats are always curious and bring so much joy. But sometimes when they are in a naughty mood, your cat might eat something wrong which can be a problem for them! Cats are pro at eating food with bones, in fact they enjoy it. But sometimes if the pet parent is not…