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The unfolding of our sweet felines

In the last issue, you read how domestic cats evolved with time. Here are the differences that set them apart from their wild counterparts. Our cats had to adapt and change themselves in order to fully exploit their relationship with humans, and several key differences that set the domestic cat apart from his wild cousins include: Communal living: While most cat species are solitary, domestic…

C’attitude’… an undesirable behaviour

Nobody likes a cat who attacks other cats or dogs or even you. Territoriality and fear are usually the causes and the good news is both can be controlled. Cats don’t plan nasty behaviour. They probably don’t lie around the house waiting to punish their humans for some perceived behavioural infraction or slight. “It’s more likely they are saying, Hey, This is my house,” says Katherine A Houpt, VMD,…

Kitty etiquettes -Jan 10

A well-behaved cat is simply a darling! Here are a few common behavioural problems and the ways to tackle them. Toilet training… Though it is not a common problem for a cat owner but in some cases it may be quite serious. Housebreaking means that cat always goes outside for urination or defecation or uses the litter box for this purpose. Feral cats defecate or urinate at the same places to mark…

Training your cat

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. That’s the theory behind positive reinforcement. Don’t punish your cat for unwanted behaviour; instead, reward her for doing something you like. With encouragement and plenty of treats, you and your cat can accomplish great things. Do this, not that If you want your cat to repeat a behaviour, reward that behaviour. People frequently reward a…

Training your cat

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. That’s the theory behind positive reinforcement. Don’t punish your cat for unwanted behaviour; instead, reward her for doing something you like. With encouragement and plenty of treats, you and your cat can accomplish great things. Do this, not that If you want your cat to repeat a behaviour, reward that behaviour. People frequently reward a…

Mischievous Cat? He just might be bored

Mr. Whiskers has done it again: He’s knocked over the potted plants, batted belongings off the dresser and chased people around the house. Cats like Mr. Whiskers aren’t just rebellious. Sometimes, they’re just bored. Signs of boredom Those who share their home with a cat might be under the impression that their companion lolls about the house all day, doing nothing at all. On the contrary,…

‘Cat’ch her in the act

If you observe your kitty closely, you can know exactly what she has on mind. Here are a few behaviours she displays and what they mean… If you are blessed with a cat, you inherently know when she is happy to see you and when she is angry, fearful or upset. Here are a few common signals which tell you exactly how your kitty is feeling. Watch her head… If your kitty rubs her head on your body, she…

Beware of bite wounds of the little angels

Cats are mischievous little angels, their playfulness, wagging of tail, soft meows, gentle touch are all welcome. But we should be careful about cat bites because they may cause serious problems. Here’s some valuable information about cat bites. Cats are mischievous little angels, their playfulness, wagging of tail, soft meows, gentle touch are all welcome. But we should be careful about cat bites…

Introducing two cats

Introducing a new cat to another is not a child’s play. Here are a few things to be kept in mind before they meet. If aggression, be it smooth… Sometimes introducing one cat to another goes very smoothly, without any fur flying or scratching and biting. Regrettably, this is not always the case and steps need to be put in place to do this slowly. Make absolutely sure that both cats have had their…

Keeping your cat happy indoors

While many cats enjoy being outside where they can hunt, prey and explore their surroundings, it’s a myth that going outside is a requirement for feline happiness. Playing regularly with a cat easily satisfies her stalking instinct, keeps her stimulated, and provides the exercise she needs to stay healthy and happy. In fact, the indoor cat who gets lots of attention and playtime is likely happier…

Kitty etiquettes -Jan 08

Our kitty angels are very clean by nature and they keep themselves and their vicinities neat and hygienic. However, a little house training is essential to make them the perfect kids. Cats like to bury their waste, are fastidiously clean and beings of strong habit. These factors make house training very easy. Catch them early! By the time they are seven or eight weeks old, kittens will have…

Noisy cats Behaviour

While we humans may not yet be adept at holding conversations in cat-speak, cats use their language to communicate with us and other animals. Some cats “talk” more than others, but most cats do make noise some of the time, and they expect us to know what they’re saying. We’re all familiar with the meaning of hissing and growling, but there are many other sounds your cat is capable of making, and a…

Cat toys: you need them

Although cats generally have different play styles than their canine counterparts, toys are as much a necessity for cats as they are for dogs. Toys help fight boredom and give cats an outlet for their instinctive prey-chasing behaviours. And when you are the one moving the toy around while your cat fishes for it, chases after it, or jumps in pursuit of it, playtime becomes a bonding experience for…

Listen…your Cat’s Communicating

There are times we all wish  ‘if our cats could speak to us...’ They do, just listen... with a purr, meow, hiss and growl, our sweet kitty is passing thousands of emotions to us. Saying it with sounds : By listening to your cat and talking back, you can bond better and make your cat more expressive of his feelings. Kitties’ mode of communication is different. With purring, our kitty informs us…

Feline territorial issues

Cats are royal companions who like separate space for their own, just like us. Mostly they consider the area where they spend most of their time as their territory and they are always prepared to defend it against other cats - and other animals as well. The same applies to wild cats (lions, tigers, cheetah and leopards) but they live a different life to their smaller cousins and except for those…

Tips for a cool and confident kitty

For the healthy development of the kittens, it is important that they stay with the mother till they are eight weeks old. Socialize kittens as they react more readily in the presence of the mother cat. Kittens who are not socialized become scared and stressed and the chances of succumbing to diseases grow larger. The more contact and handling a kitten receives from human, the better…

What your cat’s body communicates?

Love is a communion of hearts and needs no language... While two souls are bonded with love, silence becomes the most beautiful thing between them... a look or a gentle caress speaks thousands of words. However...while sharing quality time with our kitty cats, we all wish they could speak. Truly, they speak to us but we should be intelligent enough to understand their language. I never knew why…

Kitten Behavior Basics

The fact is, well-socialized cats are more likely to have well-socialized kittens. Kittens often mirror their mothers’ calm or fearful attitude toward people; this is a normal part of their socialization. But you can play a vital role, too, by petting, talking, and playing with kitty to help her develop good “people skills.” Kittens are usually weaned at six to seven weeks, but may continue to…

Smitten by a kitten

To pet a kitty is an amazing feeling, and lucky are those, who find a classy cute friend for them. For those, who are still reckoning, here are a few general characteristics of felines fantasies that surely will help you to understand your kitty better and also in finding a purrfect kitty, if you haven’t found her yet. Cat’s eye-truly a gem Eyes are the window to one’s heart, so is the cat’s eye,…

Cats & Dogs friends forever

You can’t resist the temptation of being in company of dogs and cats but don’t know how to handle them together. Here’s a way towards introducing your pets to each other. Cats and dogs form excellent companions to us and few of us wish to be in the company of both. You want them to gel together and make your home a heaven abode. Here are a few tips to introduce your cat to your dog and vice versa…