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Be safe when the sun shines bright

From keeping their pets indoors to providing water all the time to grooming and short haircuts – it is definitely a pleasure to see our pet parents well informed on Do’s and Don’ts in summer time. Here’s what our pet parents from Jaipur share… “During summer, temperature variance causes hair fall and dermatological problems, so it isn’t a good idea to give dogs frequent baths.However, regular…

Learn how to keep your pet safe this summer

Animals do not have efficient cooling systems (like humans who sweat) and get overheated easily, which can result in heatstroke that can be fatal. Here’s why and how to protect your pooch in summer. Heatstroke occurs when normal body mechanisms cannot keep the body temperature in a safe range. A dog with moderate heatstroke (body temperature from 104º to 106ºF) can recover within an hour if given…

Why is water important for your pet?

Water is the most important of all the vital nutrients needed for a pet. It constitutes nearly 84 percent of a newborn puppy and 60 percent of an adult dog. It is the basis for all metabolic processes of the body. Let’s find out more about the importance of water. According to Dr CS Arun, “Though very essential, the importance of water is completely overlooked and ‘water negligence’ is a common…

Home alone!

Separation anxiety is one of the common problems faced by pet parents but each pet is unique and so is how they are handled. Here, our Hyderabad friends share their experiences on dealing with separation anxiety. Giving him a comfort zone: “Dollar, my five-month-old Lab, has no issues with separation anxiety. It’s Gavin, my four- year-old Dachshund,who does. He is very devoted to my mom and…

Be Cautious with Collars: Learn to make an informed choice!

The collar plays a very important role in your pet’s life. It is important to choose the correct collar for your pet according to his size and use because a wrong collar will not solve the purpose and will make the pet feel very uncomfortable and can even injure him. There are many styles of collars and harnesses available at pet stores. Choosing the right collar/ harness is one of the most…

Warm and happy in Winter wonderland!

Winter is a wonderland – our four-legged friends too need that extra care to keep them warm, hygienic and safe during this time. Many fellow beings live with a misconception that their pets have a coat of fur so that they are able to withstand the cold better than humans. This is not the case. Like us, these fur-coated creatures too are accustomed to the warmth of indoor shelter and cold weather…

Social and health benefits of pet interaction

Scientific evidence is increasingly showing that pets are good for people. UK and international research demonstrates that interaction with pet can reduce visits to doctor, enhance social interactions, enrich quality of life for elderly people, perform vital role in child development and so on. Let’s see how does it happen. Pets also improve chances of survival after life-threatening illness,…

KPS Valentine Pooch!

Love has no boundaries… love is eternal and unconditional…  and so our pooches are pawfect Valentines. Let’s see why. Our pooches are always happy to see us, no matter what, even if we are late from work or elsewhere, they greet us happily at the door. Our smile means the world to them. They are the best listeners and we can talk to them for hours and not once they will show signs of boredom.…

Perfect match: Choose the right Leashes & Bowls

As pet parents, we get bowled over by the variety of leashes and food bowls available for our pooches. But your pooch is special and he needs the right accessories, suitable to his age, breed and size. Here’s a guide to select the right leash and food bowl for your precious pooch. Selecting the right leash… It’s best to walk with your dog by your side as it’s good for the bonding between you and…

Caution of common errors made by pet parents

Sometimes, pet parents with the best of intentions still make serious mistakes when it comes to the health of their dog. Here are a few common mistakes pet parents make. Not getting preventive care: Taking your dog to the vet for regular examinations and getting her the appropriate vaccinations and deworming can prevent many diseases. Instead of coping with lengthy treatment of an advanced or…

New Year resolutions for a pet parent – the KPS way

As responsible pet parents, we need to be very careful about our pet’s well being. Here are the New Year resolutions every pet parent should take. Thought for food: Measure all food you give to your pet. Every single treat counts. Give him well-balanced age and breed-specific diet for his healthy well being. Groom regularly: Keep your grooming tools ready and groom him regularly to keep skin…

(Friends 24×7 Kolkata) First day puppy parenting

Puppy’s first day at home is special and difficult for both the pup and pet parents. Here are experiences of some Kolkata new pet parents. “When I brought Goldy (Labrador) home, I took her out of the crate, comforted and let her sleep on the floor near my bed with a blanket. When she whined, I told her in a soothing voice that it’s ok. I kept the house quiet and softly played a radio in the…

Bringing a Pup Home: A First Day Guide

Bringing home your little bundle of joy is definitely a lot of fun and excitement, but there’s a lot more of work that goes along with it than play. But with a little preparation and patience you can make your lil’ one comfortable and happy. First things first, we all know we get very excited to see the cute new family member and the pup is bound to get a lot of attention but it is also important…

An insight into the stages of puppy development!

The right time to get a puppy home has a very high impact on the puppy’s behaviour on the first day at her new home or the way she looks at humans. Let’s see how. Things that happen to a dog during her critical periods have a great impact on the dog’s life at a later stage, yet they seem totally trivial to us and we ignore them. The ages given below, the early critical periods, are a general…

Pawfect homecoming!

Pet parenting is responsibility, love, care, quality time, discipline, training and much more. Read on… There is a family living in my neighbourhood who have two dogs as pets, Betty and Ketty. The family leaves in the morning to work and the poor pooches are left on the mercy of God. It seems that they love dogs but unfortunately do not have time for their pets. I observed the house and its pet…

Pooches shape your kid’s personality

Dogs and children are an amazing combination – four paws and two tiny feet make the world so beautiful with their crazy antics and host of memories to cherish. In the process, kids learn a lot of new things, which make a better individual. To find what kids learnt from their precious paws, we spoke to children with pets in Pune and here’s what they shared. Teaching compassion… Liana and Kaylan…

Cool puppy shower ideas…

The little nips, the evolving barks and the quick tail wags are all part of the new member being welcomed into your family. But how about a puppy shower? Let’s make the whole environment really conducive for the little member to come, enjoy and make merry. A pup deserves a warm welcome into your heavenly abode. So, here are a few tips which can truly make your shower an eventful success. Do the…