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Loyalty auctioned!!!

Imagine having worked with dedication and loyalty for 11 long years, putting your best paw forward in everything. To be trained on specific tasks and then doing them with zest and enthusiasm – day in and day out, following a strict regime and routine. Being on a duty call 24x7, performing to the best of one’s capability in the hour of need – either proofing the place where a VIP visit is scheduled…

Love for our Pariahs

Christmas, New Year, gifts and holidays, the year always ends on a happier note. Every New Year brings with it a whole new world for us. Here’s wishing all the readers of Dogs & Pups a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR. As northern India shivers with winter chill, it’s very heartening to see people giving warmth, love and most important, food to our beloved Pariahs to beat the cold waves. I heard of a…

Only the best will do for you

While reading the Times of India on the 4th of October, I was pleasantly surprised to see a St. Bernard peeping out of the logo. Surprised –? I looked again – but there he was, sharing this prized positioning with other animals. And it was then I realized that it was World Animal Day – a day to celebrate with our pets. World Animal Day celebrates and respects our relationship with all life forms,…

Protect your friends

The Chinese animal signs are a 12-year cycle used for dating the years. 2006 is the Chinese year of the dog, which was celebrated with much fanfare in China. Along with the celebrations, came the most tragic incident in the Year of the Dog, which has left all the canine lovers across the world, totally speechless. Yes! I am talking about the case ‘China kills 50,000 dogs over 5 days in Rabies…

In Wonderland

The holiday bug does not only get us, it gets our canines too. This summer, Sparkle had an escapade to Dhanaulti, a small town above Mussourie, nestled with a panoramic view. At 8500 ft above sea level, this place was a haven away from the sultry heat of Delhi- fresh air, awesome mountains, rain, cold it had it all. The best part was that Sparkle loved it too. Though I would have loved to know…

Friends indeed!

The word friendship conjures many beautiful images of warmth, togetherness, trust, etc. A bonding which is felt, shared and enjoyed both in happy and testing times. While interacting with a number of people, it was great to learn that each one of them shared this special feeling with their furry friends. And everybody agreed that their lil’ darlings exactly understood the need of the hour. A romp…

A stray thought!

Tail wagging, eyes hoping, seeking love, attention, food - you can easily spot them keeping a watch in your neighbourhood. Here’s a dog who is lovable, adorable and tough, with a determination to survive and living life against all odds. Heat, cold, rain, traffic, fights, no veterinary care - this brave heart goes through it all alone. Yes they are our own – The GREAT INDIAN Dogs – a term given by…

Doggy Day Care – A vision for tomorrow

Life for the city dog- a continuous wait – looking forward to the return of her guardian, in which the long hours are mostly spent sleeping. And when the clock strikes the time of return- the bundle of energy is all set for play and activity, which are at times met enthusiastically by the guardian while other times the lil one has to wait till her pet parent indulges. Now imagine a situation where…

Need of 24/7 pet care

Owned by our furry angels, making their wish our command - a new phase has come where we can actually pamper our lil’ babies. A lot of people have started addressing themselves as pet parents and share the feeling that these darlings are an integral part of the family, who not only give love, but keep the family together and they cannot think of life without their four-legged sweethearts. The…

Life’s true joy!!

To run in free abandon, to sniff to one’s heart's delight at all the new smells, to explore endlessly, to splash in water and try to manage the breaking waves, to catch a driftwood from a river bank, to chase butterflies and birds, to look at utter amazement at monkeys and wonder where they come from, to bark with a purpose and show how important one is, to sit at the beach and enjoy the cool…


Dreams often come true, simply go ahead and chase them - you might just catch one some day! Nostalgia overwhelms me as I review the past 12 months. I dared to dream and the 6 issues of ‘Dogs & Pups’ that lie on my table, prove that the dream has turned into reality. Calls for a celebration, don’t you think? That’s right! Dear readers, we are a year old. Thanks to my team for daring to dream…

Lets Live

It is very encouraging to get such tremendous support and response from you. Your enthusiasm is very infectious and it gives the team of ‘Dogs &Pups’ a shot in the arm with each publication. Life is an ongoing learning process. However, all knowledge does not come from books and experience. God gave us nature and animals, who without words, teach us so many lessons, should we pause to look and…

Happy New Year

First things first, and the first item on my agenda is to wish every reader a Very Happy New Year.  May the days ahead abound in happiness and a sense of achievement. To our readers, it goes without saying that you love dogs and are most likely to have one as a pet at home. In that case I guess the doggie will be in for some extra special care and attention as the New Year commences.…

Wow! !

The  enthusiastic nationwide  response  to the inaugural issue of  ‘Dogs & Pups’ was overwhelming.  Owners, doctors, breeders et al, we  the  team can’t thank you enough for your encouragement and  support. We  take into  serious consideration your suggestions and strive to make the magazine one that you look forward to receiving bi-monthly. From  the  responses  received, it  is  very evident…