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Breed Profile

Beautiful Burmese

Good looks, steady and affectionate nature, a quiet voice and a willingness to please... that’s how a Burmese is…a wonderful pet for people of all ages, especially children. If you are thinking of adding a cat to your family, consider a gregarious, extremely lovable and intelligent Burmese. Blondie, my cream Burmese, fetches and retrieves her toy mice on command. Suki, a brown Burmese, sailed…

Long-hair Burmilla Truly affectionate

The silvery Long-hair Burmilla kitties are easy going cats who are happy to sit and watch most of the time. However, when it is time to play, their eyes light up and are on the go... Our first Long-hair Burmilla ‘Momo’ came to us in 2004 and we just fell in love. Momo was so affectionate and gentle; I could not believe that a cat could behave like that. We started breeding Burmillas in 2005 and…

Toygers: Mini tigers to love and cuddle

Those who are enchanted by tigers can bring home a Toyger with looks of a tiger but size like a toy and a heart of gold Dressed to kill Toygers were created to look like Toy Tigers. They are short haired, completely domestic cat derived fromcarefully selected domestic shorthairs and pedigreed cats like the Bengal. Medium-sized, Toygers are strong with long and muscular tail. Their coat is short…

Balinese kitties Beautiful mutants

Exotic, beautiful, lovable and playful...the blue-eyed Balinese cat will become the cynosure of your eyes if you happen to have one at home. Beautiful me... Though Balinese kitties have been derived from the Siamese cat, they have a single semi-long silky coat and plumed tail. Their stunning blue eyes take the breath away. The kittens are all born white and the main coat colour remains…

Chinchilla Persian: Kohl eyes that take your breath away!

"Chinchilla Persians are regal Persian cats with white or golden undercoats and minimal silver tipping. You just can’t ignore their beautiful emerald green eyes with black lining!" The Chinchilla is a colour within the Persian breed. They are an elegant and regal, with a long beautiful luscious flowing coat, round face and large round eyes. The Chinchilla is depicted by the white undercoat with…

Ocicats: An amazing combo of wild looks and adorable temperament

If you are fascinated by leopard but wary of his temperament… get home an Ocicat, who has the look of a leopard and a heart of gold! French writer Fernand Mery rightly said, “God made the domestic cat in order that humankind might have the pleasure of caressing the tiger.” And Ocicat, a new domestic breed, has been selectively bred from pedigreed ancestors to resemble a wild jungle cat and may be…

Japanese Bobtails: simply divine!

There is never a dull moment with Japanese Bobtails. Not only are they unique in looks, they can quickly steal your heart with their love and loyalty. When we got our first Japanese Bobtail eleven years ago, I was amazed at how quickly she bonded with my daughter and our family. We got her when she was a year old and she bonded immediately with our family. She follows my daughter around the house.…

Purring into many a heart…Somali

Attractive, confident, fun-loving, easy to care… a Somali kitty has all those characters which make her a purrfect pet. The yesteryears… The Somali is a longhaired Abyssinian. The Abyssinian originated in Egypt and indeed is a descendent of the cat that was revered in Ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. Abyssinians have been bred for many years, but in the 1950’s, longhaired kittens started to…

Australian Mist: Most adorable!

The Australian Mist is one of the most lovable feline breeds. What makes them so lovable is their ability to get along well with all–toddlers, young and old. Best of the gene pool The Australian Mist proudly wears the label ‘Made in Australia’. They have been developed by Dr Truda Straede for more than twenty years. They have a large gene pool, derived from over 30 foundation cats. Their ancestry…

Scottish splendour

A perfect blend of british sense of decorum and american sense of self-confidence! A wonderful discovery Scottish Folds were discovered in Scotland in 1961. The original Scottish Fold was a white longhair female named Suzie... Suzie went on to be bred to British shorthairs in the UK and her offspring made it around the world to be used in Scottish Fold breeding programmes. Many different breeds…

Havana Brown: beautiful cat you can love and admire!

Beautiful brown coat with striking emerald green eyes…Havana Brown is an intelligent cat… a perfect kitty for your home! My gracious Havana Browns are the best buddies I have; she often helps me while I’m at my computer (they are quite gifted) and you won’t have to worry about getting cold while lying on the couch, as they are excellent substitutes for a blanket. However, they consider ‘me’ their…

The Napoleon Cat

An excellent combo of beauty and heart–it’s hard to resist these amazingly wonderful little cats! Napoleon…best of two breeds The Napoleon cat breed was originally conceived by Joe Smith by cross breeding between the Munchkin breed and Persian breed group (Persian, Himalayan and Exotic Shorthair). That’s the reason why Napoleons possess the very best characteristics of both the breeds. Beautiful…

The Russian Blue: silver & shiny

Beautiful, velvety silver coat, shiny green eyes, lovely temperament… the Russian Blue is indeed a perfect pet for you. Origins… The Russian Blue is one of the oldest breeds in the Cat Fancy. From the time of the world’s fi rst cat show in 1871 until now. The breed is said to have originated in the northern part of Europe and specifi cally Russia. The archaeological fi ndings of similar coats…

LaPerms: all about curves ‘n’ curls

Elegant, athletic, lively, social, shaggy curls and ringlets… the LaPerms are the epitome of beauty and fun. Large but beautiful A curly kitten breed is born… In the spring of 1982 on a farm just near to Dallas, Oregon the LaPerm cat was born. Linda Koehl (founder of the LaPerm breed), was surprised to see an unusual looking bald kitten out of a litter of plain barn cats, and at first dismissed…

The Turkish Van Cat: the swimming cat

Muscular long body, silky coat, amber eyes – these sensational beauties are none other than the Turkish Van Cat. They have a passion for swimming, no doubt, these silky coated beauties invade the hearts of all kitty lovers. Journey down the lane... The Turkish (semi) longhair cat is probably one of the oldest domesticated cats. It is said that he is the ancestor of all other longhair breeds. There…

Sphynx : touching softly on every purrfect heart

Love, companionship and caress… here comes Sphynx, the embodiment of love, to delight all kitty lovers. Love to be with you…always The Sphynx are extremely outgoing cats. They are very people oriented and require a lot of attention. Being an active breed, they love to play. They are very inquisitive and really enjoy to participate in anything their parents are doing. They are highly intelligent…

Sphynx: touching siftly on every purrfect heart,

Love to be with you…always The Sphynx are extremely outgoing cats. They are very people oriented and require a lot of attention. Being an active breed, they love to play.  They are very inquisitive and really enjoy to participate in anything their parents are doing. They are highly intelligent and can often learn commands. They can even learn to play fetch very easily. They get along great with…

Elegant ‘n’ lovable: Oriental Shorthairs

I’m pretty… Oriental Shorthair is a medium-sized cat, with a long, tubular and tapering body, with fine bones and firm muscles. Her legs are long and slim, with small and oval paws, while her tail is long and tapering. The head, set on a long and slender neck, is a tapering wedge with a “banana-profile” and a strong chin. The large ears are wide at the base, and continue the line of the wedge.…

Purr Beauty with babylegs thy name Munchkins

Mighty genesis of dwarfs... Munchkins are cats with shortened legs. They are naturally occurring breed of cats that were first observed in Germany before WWI. The Munchkin breed evolved from a single cat that was taken home from a garage sale in southeastern United States of America. This cat, a solid black female with short legs, was pregnant, and produced more short legged kittens. Sandra…

British Shorthair… Brits sweetheart

British Shorthair cats are real sweethearts...they are simply irresistible. These calm and cute kitties are natural charmers...what make them even more lovable is their full cheeks, giving a chubby-faced ‘Cheshire cat smile’ look. Here’s a bit more about these antique kitties. Brits rich heritage The British Shorthair, probably the oldest English breed of cat, traces her ancestry back to the…